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Every organization in the e-commerce industry wants to achieve peak performance. That is why they require advanced MMS system software that can help them stay connected with core customers, adapt to customers’ evolving demands, and leverage growth opportunities. At Integrative Systems, we understand retailers’ challenges and have helped numerous companies across North America. By providing the Retail support they needed, we have helped retailers improve productivity, upgrade product supply and cope with increasing demands. Moreover, to create an advanced supply chain, an SCM platform is essential. By adopting, Retail MMS merchandise management systems, you will be able to empower customers and put real-time decision-making power into customers’ hands. Deep dive into the blog to understand what Retail MMS can do for your organization.

In the retail business, change is constant as competitors keep emerging, economies fluctuate, and business chains consolidate. To succeed and achieve the top spot in this competitive business environment, you require a modern merchandise management system and strong support to handle your entire business setup. Retail, (previously Retail MMS) can be your answer when looking out for a merchandise management system.

What Can Retail Do for You? 

1. Improve Merchandising and Inventory Performance 

 As a Retail service consultant, Integrative Systems has been providing Retail support for more than two decades. Retail merchandise management system is a cost-effective and integrated platform that adapts the changes across the sales channel provides visibility and empowers retailers to act fast on market shifts. From multi-channel inventory tracking to managing the relationship with vendors are the capabilities that retailers can leverage and improve overall performance. The Retail MMS software comes with multi-device and multi-browser compatibility so that retailers can run it comfortably on their laptops, tablet, or mobile devices.

2. Innovative Merchandise Management Software 

Using Retail merchandise management software will help you increase speed and agility and improve operational performance. Moreover, Retail support from a company like Integrative Systems allows an increase in the specific functionality and margins by impacting markdowns and repricing events. Apart from this, Retail MMS can boost productivity and improve the business analytics process and business intelligence.

3. Web-Based User Interface with Reporting Capabilities

The best Retail support services can transform your business, and you will be able to make informed decisions based on the real-time information gathered internally from your business operations. A modern and functionally rich MMS system software will improve workflow within the organizations and can be accessed easily via desktop and mobile. Besides, Retail MMS has robust reporting capabilities that can enable faster decision-making within your organization.

4. Merchandise Management Solutions through Cloud

Retail MMS via the cloud is a cost-effective and proven solution that allows retailers to adapt to the changes, provide visibility across channels and empower teams to act quickly on market shifts. From inventory tracking across multiple channels to managing sales trends and vendor relationships, retailers can leverage intelligent analysis capabilities with their laptops or smartphone anywhere and anytime.

Retail support by Integrative also includes implementing a cloud solution, and you will get help instantly whenever required. Running your app

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To stay competitive, you need to stay updated. An essential aspect of staying current is updating your legacy IBM iSeries AS400 business suite with constantly evolving technology.

This does not mean changing your existing business system. It means integrating the existing IBM AS400 platform with new and emerging technologies. This way, the time, money, and efforts you have already invested will be the same, but you’ll get more ROI.

There are many ways you can update your IBM iSeries solution to create new business value and meet your emerging needs. Whether you want to update apps, data, or platforms, Integrative Systems can provide you with all the necessary solutions and services.

Your IBM iSeries can be updated in three ways:

  • Application Modernization
  • Data Modernization
  • Platform Modernization

Going forward in this blog, we’ll discuss each part in detail.

Let’s start!

1. Application Modernization

Reconstruct, redesign, or strengthen your IBMi software using a web interface to differentiate business logic from presentation.

What is an Application Modernization?

Application modernization is a process when a company updates or redesigns its existing software to align it with emerging needs in a better way and to extract more value. This usually involves updating the architecture, infrastructure, or key product features.

How to Modernize?

Features of PHP make it ideal for creating a reliable web interface for existing IBM iSeries applications so that it can support more use cases with web and mobile users. For example, PHP provides DB2 language extensions as well as tools to facilitate seamless integration with XMLService.

Three Ways to Achieve Modernization

Have a look at the three ways for the application modernization process.

The first, and least exhaustive resource, is adding your existing code base and configuration to modern publishing platforms. A modern platform can give you higher scalability, speed, and better resource optimization.

The second option is to enhance your software, add new features, and make it more accessible to modern apps and environments. For example, you can attach a front-end mobile app to your existing mainframe application. This approach will save development time and reduce costs while maintaining the functionality of your IBM AS400 software.

The third option is to rewrite your old app completely. While this can be time-consuming and expensive, it’s a great option if you don’t want to keep software that is no longer supported or don’t have the knowledge needed to manage outdated applications.

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The IBM iSeries is a mid-range server developed to fit data storage and computing requirements for businesses. Since its launch, the system has undergone several enhancements and IBM has consistently invested in reinvigorating and delivering new capabilities on the iSeries platform, and most importantly customers are taking advantage of these cutting-edge technologies to deliver new business services. Further, on account of this, IBM iSeries systems and software applications can be integrated with variant networks other native applications, web and mobile applications with the help of advanced programming methods such as ILE, C++, Java, PHP, web services, etc.

One key aspect that we personally believe kept this system highly competitive during the last three decades is its underlying robust architecture and its world-class integration abilities. This underlying architecture of the system is not an add-on feature of the system but was an inherent aspect of the operating system from day one.

The AS400 was revolutionary in its inception and was considerably more affordable compared to other platforms, and since then IBM has delivered advanced computing platforms – AS400e, iSeries, System i, and IBM i platforms from that robust platform. But none of these advancements would matter if businesses would be hindered in embracing these new offerings, and that is why we think, the AS400 is such a remarkable product. Businesses could still run their existing databases and applications and at the same time quickly and cost-effectively leverage the new technological advancements. Can you think of any other platforms, with these inherent strengths? we definitely don’t think so.

There are over 100,000 companies that rely on IBM AS400/iSeries to power their mission-critical applications. Here are the top reasons that could help you decide on your future investments in the iSeries platform.

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Innovation has taken the corporate world on a roller-coaster ride – every business organization, whether small or large, uses some unique technology or software to perform its business operations successfully. Upgraded versions of this software are regularly rolled out to enable companies to serve their customers better.

This means software development services offering companies like a .net development company should stay updated with the latest offerings. There is no denying the way that legacy applications require constant upgrades, and as a .net development firm or any business that has an application or software built on .Net framework, you can’t ignore this fact.

The inability to accomplish such an up-gradation can be harmful to organizations in long run, and it can be the most significant contributor to losing your competitive edge. The application that your organization is utilizing currently, may be perfect. Still, you will need modernization in the future, as you won’t be able to deal with future challenges without having specific features onboard. This doesn’t mean that your dependency on the existing version is bad, but customer/user expectations will expand continuously, and you’ll need to be prepared for upcoming challenges.

What does IT Modernization Mean?

Technology changes every day, and so does the need of customers. To upkeep their requirements, .net development firms need to stay updated in terms of business strategies and technology. Therefore, .net development firms should be ready for adopting new software or ready to upgrade the existing software infrastructure to stay ahead of the competition. Unfortunately, up-gradation challenges distract more when the senior leadership does not show interest in migrating to the new platform or upgrading the existing technology. In this blog, we have provided you with some tips, so that you can convince your senior management for up-gradation of existing applications.

 Tips for Convincing your Senior Management to Agree for An Application Modernization

So, how are you planning to proceed and persuade them for application modernization? We have few tips for you, have a look:

Provide Facts

You must be knowing that statistics don’t lie, and you need a few real insights to express your idea effectively in front of senior management officials. The reliance of an organization on one application can have adverse effects. For example – The use of traditional computing applications for a long time can adversely affect the machine programming interfaces, so it is necessary to make changes in the existing application as per the requirement of end-users.

Second, the decision to stop using specific applications is not feasible since it’s expensive, tedious, there is a risk of data loss, and undoubtedly data is essential for the smooth running of organizational operations. Furthermore, neglecting modernization can be a reason for internal failures, and you will be continuously at risk due to millions of inefficiencies.

While the above facts may seem to make reliance on existing applications critical, application modernization can provide you the answer to each question that you are looking to make your organization’s work process stable. And this is what every employer wishes at the end of the day.

Focus on Investment and not on Expenses

The upper-level management in every organization mainly focuses on reducing the cost of operation. And in most cases, the approach used by managers to ask for .net application modernization influences their decision. Therefore, you should show them how the organization will benefit from this modernization, whether in terms of time, ROI, or other operations management, by connecting with the right .net development firm. Therefore, you should let the management know that you are not recommending a reinvention of applications but reuse it.

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Everyone knows that .Net is a versatile software development platform. As one of Microsoft’s native languages, numerous web applications and websites have been built on the Microsoft .Net and .Net frameworks. And many companies are running outdated software on .Net because they don’t want to upgrade or invest in .Net development consulting services. But since there is nothing static in the software world, it is wise to engage with .Net development consultants to stay updated with the latest trends and keep your software up to date.

.Net has a Framework Class Library (FCL), which makes language interoperability the most flexible thing as every language uses the codes written in another language. FCL makes it easy for programmers to integrate their source code with the .Net Framework and develop their own applications.

The scope of FCL is not limited to web and application development but also extends to user interfaces, data access, connectivity, network communications, digital algorithms, and cryptography. The reason behind its global popularity and its flexibility on languages and browsers. Its primary function is to provide a set of guidelines for developing various applications for both web and mobile. There are many more features that make .Net great. Still, as stated above, it’s not a good idea to not connect with a consultant if you want to stay updated with the latest trends. .Net development consulting company can help your business in many ways.

.Net Development Consulting Services from Integrative

.Net has always been the most soughted web development platform. The most significant advantage of .Net is that it can run on any web browser, and it is built on SOAP, XML, UDDI, and HTML, so it is very stable. If you want to integrate your product with other technologies and tools, .Net technology is the answer to your business needs. The .Net Framework includes runtime applications, base class library, common language, and development framework.

At Integrative Systems, we provide seamless communication in integrations using the latest version of the .Net Framework and ensure the best user experience. And it would be best if you had a .Net development consultant onboard to ensure that your application is up to date and running successfully with minimal bugs.

World-Class Expertise in Microsoft .Net Consulting

Microsoft .Net is the most widely used and accepted technology for application development. The development support provided by the .Net and .Net communities is far superior to other development frameworks. Our experts use the power of the .Net platform to develop a wide variety of applications.

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Asp.Net is a web development platform where .net developers use proprietary tools and libraries to create web and mobile applications. Dot Net is an open-source web framework developed by Microsoft to build modern web applications. .Net allows programmers to create dynamic websites, applications, and services. 

But apart from creating new web applications, many companies look for .net development consulting services, but due to lots of options available in the market space, they are not able to choose the best one.

We at Integrative Systems offer .net development consulting services, and through this, we’ll try to solve their issues. But before moving ahead, let’s understand why is in demand.

Why is Asp.Net so Popular?

Asp.Net is used to build interactive web applications. It is more popular because it provides a library for creating various applications.

Advantage of .Net Development Services

The latest version of .Net is entirely redesigned by taking the best aspects of ASP into account and merging them with the help of object-oriented programming (OOP), a robust development framework with features like:

  • Fully compiled environment
  • Debugging and tracing,
  • Session state management
  • Server controls
  • User input validation
  • Event-driven programming
  • Web services
  • Cache services
  • Security

.Net Consulting Services

Integrative Systems is a leading company in asp.Net offshore/outsource development and has expertise in .net application development and MVC development. We build an enterprise-level web application that provides a wide range of software infrastructure and programming models with various services needed to develop powerful web applications for desktop and mobile devices.

Integrative Systems offers a full range of .net development consulting services for .Net and other Microsoft technologies, including Azure, SQL Server, SharePoint, and Office 365. We’ve been working on this platform for over 20 years.

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– Companies are going through a challenging and competitive phase to provide innovative services to customers. Furthermore, companies are focusing on adopting cutting-edge technologies to develop customized solutions. Also, selecting the best technology platform is the first thing you should consider before starting the software development process. With continuous changes in customer preferences and a rise in demand, Microsoft creates a .net framework. Companies can take help from .net development companies for creating customized and feature-rich websites and applications. The platform comes with lots of advantages. Just dive deep into the blog to understand development solutions are best for your business’s future.

Introducing the .net framework was one of the most significant achievements of Microsoft corporation. Dot net technology can be used to create dynamic web applications that can be viewed on multiple browsers. Moreover, a reliable .net development company can help you create scalable and reusable applications as the platform is top-rated to cater to market demands. The .Net framework is suitable for creating compelling .net applications by using visual studios. Furthermore, the platform is not limited to ASP and gives developers advantages for developing websites on programming languages like C++ and VB.

What is Asp.Net?

Microsoft develops, and it stands for Active Server Pages. It is used for creating web pages and web technologies. As a part of the .Net framework, Asp.Net is quite demandable and valuable for a .net development company, as it allows them to develop dynamic, scalable, and feature-rich websites.

ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework and cross-platform for developing modern web applications based on cloud architecture. The .net framework is easy to create useful web applications and mobile apps, and IoT apps. In simple terms, the .net development framework comes with several benefits in terms of performance, security, less coding, and many more.

To create their applications, a lot of businesses are taking help from .net development companies. The .net development framework is an excellent combination of various web development models that consists of all the required services to create robust web applications for specific business needs. Let’s discuss the benefits of .net development in detail and how this technology can help fulfill your long-term business goals.

9 Important Advantages of ASP.NET over Other Web Development Models:

  • It significantly reduces the number of codes required for developing large applications.
  • With built-in authentication and pre-application configuration, your application is fully secured.
  • .Net development provides better performance by taking advantage of native optimization, early binding, and caching services.
  • The framework is accompanied by a rich toolbox and designer in an integrated development environment. Apart from this, it comes with drag-and-drop server controls, WYSIWYG editing, and automatic deployment-type features.
  • provides simplicity, as it makes the everyday task performance process easy. The tasks like -Form submission, client authentication, site configuration can be completed efficiently.
  • In .net development solutions, the source codes and HTML codes are written together, so it is easy to maintain the ASP.NET pages. Moreover, the source codes are executed on the server, and this provides lots of power and flexibility to the web pages.
  • .Net development is purely a server-side technology, so .net codes are executed on the server before they are sent to the browser.
  • .Net development platform is language-independent, and it allows the .net development company and the developers to choose the language of their choice.
  • The web servers monitor the pages, applications, and components running on it continuously. In case the framework notices any information leakage or any illegal activity, it destroys such activities instantly and restarts itself.

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This is official now! From the second half of 2021, IBM will begin the shipping of new Power10 servers. The AS400 / I-series Power10 processors have extraordinary features and 3X performance, and 2.6X efficiency gain compared to Power9. As per IBM, it will bolster AI, security loads, and security in upcoming years.

Power10 for IBMi, AIX, and Linux

Power10 will offer impressive performance improvement and hardware features over the existing AS400 iseries power9 software. But as of now, we are not sure how the Power10 processor will affect IBMi, AIX, and Linux. After the hardware availability, IBM AS400 iSeries will release a new OS version and technology in terms of capabilities, processing speed, data transfer, virtual machine, encryption, and in-memory workload improvements. One can expect more exciting OS-based capabilities in Power10 next year.

Impressive Architecture Specs

The specs on AS400 / I-series Power10 are quite exciting, and the architecture is more than that, even if it is not what chip-watchers were expecting. Based on a 7nm processor, IBM was able to pack 18 billion transistors onto a 602 sq mm piece of silicon, up from 8 billion with Power9 (which was built on a 14nm process). The new chip features 128 MB of L3 cache, 32 MB of L2 cache, but the area in which it shines is its memory sharing capabilities that will expand IBM’s lead in that area.

IBM has partnered with Samsung Electronics, and Samsung manufactures the two versions of the AS400 I-series. The high-performing SMT8 features 8 SMT per core and 16 physical cores.

IBM will launch Power10s in a single-chip setup, with 16 sockets on board, and each socket will deliver 15 SMT8 cores running at 4GHz. Moreover, IBM is also developing dual-chip modules, featuring four dual-chip sockets and 30 SMT8 cores running at 3.5 GHz. This will allow IBM AS400 / I-series to deliver up to 240 threads per socket.

Data Transfer Enhancements

For keeping the processors fed with data, IBM has provided an array of mechanisms, and this is where AS400 Power10 architecture shines. The Power10 starter pack will feature two PCI-Express 5.0 controllers, each having 16 lanes running at a speed of 32GT/s, and this can reach up to 128 GT/s across all lanes. The PCI 5.0 controller was finalized in the year 2019, and this new architecture supports the new bus (which feature double bandwidth in comparison to PCI-express 4.0).

The PCI-Express 5.0 is fast, but IBM AS400 / I-Series Power10 is much faster than that. On both sides of the Power10 chip, there are a total 16 open memory interfaces (serializer and deserializer). Each memory interface has eight lanes wide (i.e., X8) and capable of delivering 32GT/s and up to 1TB/s of bandwidth. The open memory interface originally debuted with Power9 Kicker and will talk to DDR4 memory in the future.

There are four PowerAXON interfaces in each AS400 / I-Series Power10 chip that can connect to OpenCAPI interfaces or for grouping processors in a scale-up NUMA configuration. There are 16 PowerAXON serializer and deserializer blocks in an 8x configuration, providing 32 GT/s, or 1 TB/s of bandwidth, same as the OMI blocks.

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By looking at the title of this article, you must be thinking why we have named it IBM AS400 as AS400 doesn’t exist anymore. Also, some of you may think that “/” between AS and 400 is missing.

Well, you may be right on your part. But what you don’t know is AS400 and AS/400 are not the same. And this simple analogy of more than three decades of IBM adventures will explain the reason for the same.

Moreover, this article is written especially for CIOs, CTOs, developers, and vendors who think of AS400, and immediately an image of “Green Screen” comes into their mind.

But this single thought has wasted millions of dollars on unsuccessful immigrations, and many technical people have lost their jobs. It’s not hard to see why they came up with this idea.

Although there are various articles available on the internet to describe the platform, none of them has painted an easy-to-remember and straightforward picture for the reader.

But, not to worry, as we have painted that picture for you. Just go through the articles and get a view of easy-to-remember pointers.

Let’s get started.

The first AS/400 was released in 1988. RPG III was the main programming language used in it. RPG III can also be called RPG/400 due to some hardware changes. The system also came with a database and presentation files. The first is the DB2/400, and the last is the green screen.?The operating system (OS/400) and the internal hardware can’t be left behind as the platform cannot do anything without them.

In 1990, the RPG400 appeared and did not cause much excitement among RPG programmers.

The next version of AS/400 was introduced in 1994 – AS/400 Advanced Series. With this came the significant enhancement to RPG. It had different names – RPG IV, ILE RPG, RPG / ILE, and RPGLE. When it was further improved in 2001, more labels were added – RPG IV and RPG5. Most programmers have used the label RPGLE and still do.

Furthermore, RPGLE has two flavors, the OPM version, and the ILE version. (Most companies use OPM flavor.)

In 2000, the platform was renamed as eServer iSeries.

This was the biggest mistake IBM has made in the system. The IT world generally uses a two-part naming tradition. The first part combines the iterations, and the second part names the iteration.

For example – Windows 3.1, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, and Windows 10. or JDE World A7.2, JDE World A7.3, and JDE World 8.1.

Furthermore, The AS/400 operating system also used this naming tradition – OS/400 V4R5, OS/400 V5R1, and OS/400 V5R2. IBM, of course, had their reasons for breaking the tradition, but the unexpected thing was that people called the platform iSeries or AS400.

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It is essential to find a .net development company that has the capability to offer the features you require in your project. Moreover, when it comes to the hiring cost of .Net developers, many factors play an essential role. This article will discuss all of them in detail and help you estimate the total cost of hiring a .Net developer.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Hiring .Net Developer

Before hiring the most suitable .net development company, ask these questions to yourself:

  • What is the size and scale of your project?
  • How complex are the features you want to develop?
  • What kind of commitment do you want with the developer?

Project Size

The size of the project can affect the cost of hiring a .net development developer. So, each project has different requirements according to its own size. In addition, the level of experience, the total time required to engage with the developers, and the total number of operations depend on the scale of the project.

Small Projects

If your project is small in size, you will not need an army of developers. Development time will also be shorter for smaller applications like weather applications on calendars or smartphones.

In addition, small projects have basic features with minimal integration, which reduces development time and involvement of .net developers.

Medium Size Project

Medium-sized projects require more developers than small ones. For example, a project may already have a web application that requires integration, chat functionality, or any other features.

Take the example of a web application for a fashion designer who wants to offer payment options to his clients. Multiple developers may be required to integrate mobile payments as an alternative. So, the cost of hiring a .Net development company may incur higher charges than small projects.

Enterprise Level Project

Enterprise-level projects will have more integration, features, and higher security, which means more development time. Therefore, such projects require developers, experts, project managers, quality assurance, and much more.

In addition, companies have substantial business applications with many branch services to provide high efficiency.

For example, an ERP application helps manage various business processes, including procurement, accounting, compliance, project management, among others. Therefore, developing a project will require a wide range of tasks requiring a team of skilled developers.

However, hiring a .net development company will depend on the complexity of the features, the required third-party integration, and the specific business requirements.

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