Abel Willium

Business Transformation should be approached not like an emergency medical life-and-death scenario but like an elective medical intervention that should be revisited from time to time to maintain optimum business health. The business transformation aims to make changes in processes or technology within an organization so that they can better align with business strategy and company vision.

What is Business Transformation?

In simple words, business transformation is all about identifying resources, be it human or non-human/technical, that are not working to their maximum capacity and finding alternate solutions. These alternate solutions are sought for multiple objectives like
increasing productivity, gaining market share, increasing revenue, better customer satisfaction, or reducing inefficient expenditure.

Business transformation is a positive change that brings about implementing the best thought processes and systems within an organization that can bring measurable improvements in an organization’s work effectiveness.

However, it is not as easy as it looks because multiple factors are involved in running an organization. Say an organization decides to replace an outdated technological system that has been in place for decades, and the staff is such that they fear change. Now, imagine the tough decision the leader has to take to disrupt the process while dealing delicately with people to come out positively. And this Transformation can take months of uncertainty!

Hence, transformation requires a vision, an execution plan, a deadline, and a firm footing to stick with the vision no matter what others (majorly other people in the company) say. Only then a business transformation is possible.

Besides, it is not just the responsibility of the leader to think, but every employee should keep suggesting ways to bring about transformation. Who knows, one’s idea might be taken up, and it could transform the business!!



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Innovation has taken the corporate world on a roller-coaster ride – every business organization, whether small or large, uses some unique technology or software to perform its business operations successfully. Upgraded versions of these software are regularly rolled out to enable companies to serve their customers better.

This means software development services offering companies like a .net development company should stay updated with the latest offerings. There is no denying the way that legacy applications require constant upgrades, and as a .net development firm or any business that has an application or a software built on .Net framework you can’t ignore this fact.

The inability to accomplish such an up-gradation can be harmful for organizations in long-run, and it can be the most significant contributor in losing your competitive edge. The application that your organization is utilizing currently, may be perfect. Still, you will need modernization in future, as you won’t be able to deal with future challenges without having specific features onboard. This doesn’t mean that your dependency on the existing version is bad, but customer/user expectations will expand continuously, and you’ll need to be prepared for upcoming challenges.

What does IT Modernization Mean?

Technology changes every day, and so does the need of customers. To upkeep their requirements, .net development firms need to stay updated in terms of business strategies and technology. Therefore, .net development firms should be ready for adopting new software or ready to upgrade the existing software infrastructure to stay ahead of the competition. Unfortunately, up-gradation challenges distract more when the senior leadership does not show interest in migrating to the new platform or upgrade the existing technology. In this blog we have provided you some tips, so that you can convince your senior management for upgradation of existing applications.

Tips for Convincing your Senior Management to Agree for An Application Modernization

So, how are you planning to proceed and persuade them for application modernization? We have few tips for you, have a look:

Provide Facts

You must be knowing that statistics don’t lie, and you need a few real insights to express your idea effectively in front of senior management officials. The reliance of an organization on one application can have adverse effects. For example – The use of traditional computing applications for a long time can adversely affect the machine programming interfaces, so it is necessary to make changes in the existing application as per the requirement of end-users.

Second, the decision to stop using specific applications is not feasible since it’s expensive, tedious, and there is a risk of data loss, and undoubtedly data is essential for the smooth running of organizational operations. Furthermore, neglecting modernization can be a reason for internal failures, and you will be continuously at risk due to millions of inefficiencies.

While the above facts may seem to make reliance on existing applications critical, application modernization can provide you the answer to each question that you are looking to make your organization’s work process stable. And this is what every employer wishes at the end of the day.

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Applications are the important ingredients of your business recipe. They control business cycles and assist you in collaborating with customers and clients. Creating applications that can automate your redundant tasks or can make things faster and better enables your organization to improve and contend in the market. Also, creating an application will allow you to gain deep business insight and enhance key decision-making capabilities. Be it any platform, applications give you an extra edge, and here we talk about how IBM Power Systems applications provide extra benefits to lots of companies due to their abilities.

However, managing the IBM AS400 applications in-house can be risky to handle. But cloud hosting is the best alternative for application management. Our IBMi clients tell us that they are worried about providing continuous services to their users. And this is a common phenomenon that we hear about, specifically in the North American region.

While they may have several options to continue their business services if they come across an issue, but still waiting for support services can be time-consuming, and it’s too expensive when downtime occurs. In such a scenario, again, cloud hosting is turning into an attractive option for IBM applications.

When IBMi clients assess their choices, they are amazed to find that cloud hosting at an SSAE-18 is more dependable and tech-savvy compared to the current on-premises setup.

Companies using IBM Power Systems should consider moving their application to IBM cloud setup to unlock more features.

Six Reasons for Migration to IBM AS400

Have a look at the six most important reasons to understand why you should migrate your setup to IBM AS400 cloud.

Save Money

In comparison to server management (on-premises), IBM AS400 cloud is 30%-70% cheaper. This is because IBM’s Power servers have more capacity and resources than the needs of IBMi users. If you rent a server or hosting, you can save around $3,000 – $15,000 per year by IBM AS400 cloud hosting. Cloud hosting not only eliminates the need to purchase a server, but it will also eliminate the cost of hardware and software maintenance and the cost of the IBM licensed program.

Companies get regularly approached by businesses who have already hosted their IBM AS400 on the cloud, as they find it cheaper.

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For today’s fast-paced business world, having an online presence can’t be underestimated at any cost. Being present online, helps them obtain clients across the world, and that too with minimum investment.

In short, web development companies are giving cut-throat competition to one another. But for organizations, it’s tough to choose a .net development company among millions that can complete their project as per requirement. Regardless of your business type, the success or failure of your products are decided on the ROI. And hiring a .net development company indeed adds value to your company’s bottomline. But which company to choose?

In this blog, we have listed the top five development companies around the world. So have a look through the blog and decide yourself.

List of the Top 5 .Net Development Companies

This overview is highly based on client feedback, reviews and ratings, work environment review, and much more. Let’s start!

Rank 1 – Paranet Solutions

Paranet Solutions is an outstanding .net development company providing services to numerous industry verticals at a time.

The company is headquartered in Dallas, TX, and it’s a global provider of IT services and empowers customers with world-class technology solutions and professional services.

In general, the organization equips its customers with software that promotes top-level innovation, permitting them to improve security, diminish hazards, and accomplish more superior operational value. Experts here have top to bottom knowledge about issues and their services, and the resources onboard guarantee that customers’ IT overall IT infrastructure are effective, secured, and very much kept up. Additionally, the company works to bring the ideal administration to each commitment they make and maintain the most elevated levels of innovation and security.

It’s been 30 years since their launch, and till now, the company has delivered varied services like cloud services, information security, managed IT services, customized IT solutions, exceptional support service, IT due diligence, cyber security, technical support, network security, and professional services.

Rank 2 – TatvaSoft

TatvaSoft is a reputable .net development company that offers transparent services with complete dedication. The company is based in Dallas, TX, and it was launched in 2001. Since its inception, the company has delivered scalable enterprise solutions to several small, medium, and large-sized organizations.

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For a long time, developers have been looking for a framework that can help them create web applications with ease, and dot net framework development has filled this void.It’s a popular framework developed by Microsoft to support .Net growing companies in developing procedures and leverage technology like XML.

Net framework development aims to offer constancy and can also develop apps that can run on multiple platforms.

But do you know what exactly “.Net” is? Let’s get to know!

What is .NET?

.Net is a programming model created by Microsoft and used to develop and run software applications on Microsoft Windows, Windows Server, XML, and Microsoft Azure.

The .Net framework development comprises huge libraries known as Common Language Runtime and Framework Class Library.
.Net framework was designed to overcome all the challenges (inability to change apps, deployment error, and high cost of ownership) related to application development.

What are the Functions of .NET?

The .Net framework has a range of features and functionalities that can be used to develop various world-class applications. Let’s have a look at more functions of .Net development.

Optimization of Business Functions

The traditional days are gone where businesses do not require any technological tools to run the business successfully. In the 21st century, organizations are open to using productive software and tools to streamline the company appropriately. Whether you’re in sales, finance, or any other industry vertical, .Net can make a significant difference in the way you run your business operations. To accomplish all this, you’d need .Net development company to develop software like CRM and many more.

Revamping the Design

In the modern business world, no organization can achieve success continuously for a long time, and they must change the business process according to the needs of the customer. For revamping existing applications, .Net is an excellent platform, and a .Net development company can help you alter the way you do business.

Computing Apps

If you or your organization wish to develop an interoperable application to enhance user experience in multiple platforms, you can rely on the .Net framework. It offers various features and gives you the option to develop apps with multi-browser compatibility.


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Introducing the .net framework was one of the most significant achievements of Microsoft corporation. Dot net technology can be used to create dynamic web applications that can be viewed on multiple browsers. Moreover, a reliable .net development company can help you create scalable and reusable applications as the platform is top-rated to cater to market demands. The .Net framework is suitable for creating compelling .net applications by using visual studios. Furthermore, the platform is not limited to ASP and gives developers advantages for developing websites on programming languages like C++ and VB.

What is Asp.Net?

Microsoft develops, and it stands for Active Server Pages. It is used for creating web pages and web technologies. As a part of the .Net framework, Asp.Net is quite demandable and valuable for a .net development company, as it allows them to develop dynamic, scalable, and feature-rich websites.

ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework and cross-platform for developing modern web applications based on cloud architecture. The .net framework is easy to create useful web applications and mobile apps, and IoT apps. In simple terms, the .net development framework comes with several benefits in terms of performance, security, less coding, and many more.
To create their applications, a lot of businesses are taking help from .net development companies. The .net development framework is an excellent combination of various web development models that consists of all the required services to create robust web applications for specific business needs. Let’s discuss the benefits of .net development in detail and how this technology can help fulfill your long-term business goals.

 Important Advantages of ASP.NET over Other Web Development Models:

  • It significantly reduces the number of codes required for developing large applications.
  • With built-in authentication and pre-application configuration, your application is fully secured.
  • .Net development provides better performance by taking advantage of native optimization, early binding, and caching services.
  • The framework is accompanied by a rich toolbox and designer in an integrated development environment. Apart from this, it comes with drag-and-drop server controls, WYSIWYG editing, and automatic deployment-type features.

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If anyone is thinking of gaining new visitors to their website, keep them engaged, and turn visitors into customers, then creating high-quality content and a responsive website is critical for success. With many options available in the market, choosing the right platform for your website development is very essential.

For your website development, you can choose a custom dot net development company as it is the most preferred choice of developers worldwide. The platform offers a rich application development functionality for designing great websites. This is one of the reasons that top organizations around prefer .Net development for their projects. Apart from this, there are various reasons we have discussed in this blog that makes .Net the first choice for developers. Let’s have a look!


A custom net development company can offer .net solutions by partnering with Microsoft or as a standalone company. Now, let us look at some more genuine reasons, why top tech giants prefer this platform.


Reasons Why Large Enterprises prefer .NET Development?


1. Website and Web Applications

A custom net development company offers three stable frameworks to build websites. These are – Asp.Net MVC, Web Forms, and Asp.Net Web Pages. The developer can choose any one of these, and they will get all the functionalities of Asp.Net. Moreover, all these frameworks also delivers a security model, depending upon membership. However, all the models offer the same facilities and services to manage everything, but the critical thing is Asp.Net’s core functionality.

2. No Language Dependency

Another top-class feature of .Net is its language independency. Means, you can use your favourite language to develop an application as there is no language barrier while working with any custom net development company.

3. Improved Performance

In our previous blogs, we have already discussed the features of .Net and how features like early binding, native optimization, and JIT compilation helps in improving the performance.

4. The Simplicity of Framework

You will not believe it, but the .Net platform has gained immense popularity and success due to its simplicity. That’s why organizations around the world are looking for a custom net development company for their projects. For example – Website configuration, client authentication, form submission, and many more tasks can be made quickly with the .Net framework.


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Digital technologies have redefined the ways people live. Technology innovation is changing the traditional structures and economics in the industry. To succeed in a swiftly moving business ecosystem, organizations need to focus on innovation areas, develop new business management methods, and devise new ways of service offerings.

Also, businesses need to think about significant digital transformations and make strategies by considering customer’s sides. Business needs to evaluate what customers value the most. The challenge for businesses is how fast and how far to go. IBM understands this competitive world and these business challenges, so through IBM iSeries systems, the company wants to help clients during such tough times of transformation.

Business Transformation with IBM iSeries Systems

For more than three decades, IBM iSeries systems have been used by various industries like – manufacturing, entertainment, retail, and financial services. Even today, these industries continue to rely on IBM iSeries operating systems to provide security to their most sensitive data and run their most critical business applications.

IBM is a pioneer in the field of server and storage solutions. With its world-class performance, security capabilities, and resiliency, IBM iSeries systems is transforming businesses. On top of it, IBM iSeries AS400 systems also provide AI, open-source, and IoT integration services.

IBM iSeries Systems: The Platform for Innovators, by Innovators

The rise in customer demands is pushing businesses to invest more in innovative technologies. IBM iSeries systems clients will have the advantage of extending business operations by integrating it with any of the open-source solutions, or they can choose to run it on IBM AS400 operating systems itself.

IBM technology users are also integrating their existing applications with analytics engines and all other IoT capabilities. Such technology integration is creating new application demand in the market, and it is also helping companies outpace their competitors.

Overall, you can say that IBM iSeries systems are designed to adapt the future needs of businesses and provide a strong foundation for upcoming innovations.

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In the retail business, change is constant as competitors keep emerging, economies fluctuate, and business chains consolidate. To succeed and achieve the top spot in this competitive business environment, you require a modern merchandise management system and strong support to handle your entire business setup. Retail, (previously Retail MMS) can be your answer when looking out for a merchandise management system.

What Can Retail Do for You? 

1.  Improve Merchandising and Inventory Performance 

 As a Retail service consultant, Integrative Systems has been providing Retail support for more than two decades. Retail merchandise management system is a cost-effective and integrated platform that adapts the changes across the sales channel provides visibility and empowers retailers to act fast on market shifts. From multi-channel inventory tracking to managing the relationship with vendors are the capabilities that retailers can leverage and improve overall performance. The Retail MMS software comes with multi-device and multi-browser compatibility so that retailers can run it comfortably on their laptops, tablet, or mobile devices.

2. Innovative Merchandise Management Software 

Using Retail merchandise management software will help you increase speed and agility and improve operational performance. Moreover, the Retail support from a company like Integrative Systems allows an increase in the specific functionality and margins by impacting markdowns and repricing events. Apart from this, Retail MMS can boost productivity and improve the business analytics process and business intelligence.

3. Web-Based User Interface with Reporting Capabilities

The best Retail support services can transform your business, and you will be able to make informed decisions based on the real-time information gathered internally from your business operations. A modern and functionally rich MMS system software will improve workflow within the organizations and can be accessed easily via desktop and mobile. Besides, Retail MMS has robust reporting capabilities that can enable faster decision-making within your organization.

4. Merchandise Management Solutions through Cloud

Retail MMS via the cloud is a cost-effective and proven solution that allows retailers to adapt to the changes, provide visibility across channels and empower teams to act quickly on market shifts. From inventory tracking across multiple channels to managing sales trends and vendor relationships, retailers can leverage intelligent analysis capabilities with their laptops or smartphone anywhere and anytime.

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Retail MMS has been deemed necessary to achieve the speed, agility, and intelligence required to cope with modern customers’ needs in the retail sector mainly. Let’s have a look at the article to understand how Retail's merchandising solution can help you.

In this era of digital transformation, every organization needs to stay updated in terms of the technology they are using and their service offerings. Especially in the retail sector, the demands of customers are changing rapidly and companies need to offer solutions as per customer requirements. 

The industry requires to respond to the emerging waves of digital transformation. Retailers need to leverage modern technology to keep pace with the high expectations of customers and ensure exceptional service in terms of performance, product availability, data security, and ease of use.

The organizations have moved far away from the point where having an online brand presence was enough. Today retailers must use techniques like- data analytics, AI, and social media platforms to meet customers' needs. If retailers have physical stores, they must integrate with customers through mobile apps and create a unified customer experience.  

Furthermore, it's vital for all retailers to make sure that they are speedy, completely secure, and intelligent enough to handle clients' continuously changing needs and expectations.

Legacy enterprise solutions will not work in this modern business environment. To reap the

benefits of the contemporary business world, attain speed, and ensure business continuity, Retail merchandising is a must-have software answer for retailers.


What is Retail MMS? 

Retail MMS is a software company that focuses on selling supply chain management solutions to businesses. As of now, Retail is offering services in the field of automotive, manufacturing, and retail. 

The goal of Retail merchandising is to help customers optimize business costs, increase revenue, and boost supply chain efficiency. As the marketplace and customers are continuously evolving, Retail support addresses delivery, planning, and collaboration. 

The Retail group offers a Merchandise Management System (MMS) to address essential retail functions like inventory management.


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