Abel Willium
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In the ever-evolving landscape of IT infrastructure, businesses are constantly seeking ways to modernize and optimize their systems. For organizations still relying on the AS/400 platform, a cloud migration can be a game-changer.

This blog post explores the benefits, challenges, and best practices for AS400 Cloud Migration.

The AS400 Dilemma

IBM's AS/400, initially introduced in 1988, represented a groundbreaking platform in its time. Known for its dependable performance and reliability, the AS/400 became a cornerstone for many enterprises, especially in industries such as manufacturing, finance, and logistics.

However, as technology advanced, the AS/400 started to reveal its age, particularly in areas of scalability, adaptability, and cost-efficiency.

The Argument for AS400 Cloud Migration

  • Scalability: Cloud platforms offer virtually limitless scalability. In contrast to the fixed hardware resources of an AS/400, the cloud enables you to tailor resources to meet fluctuating workloads, ensuring your infrastructure can adapt seamlessly.

  • Cost Efficiency: Maintaining a traditional AS400 system can incur substantial costs, with substantial initial investments in hardware and ongoing operational expenses. Cloud computing adopts a pay-as-you-go model, trimming capital expenditures and allowing you to pay solely for the resources you consume.

  • Security and Compliance: Cloud providers heavily invest in security and compliance measures. When you migrate to the cloud, you can leverage these strong security features, reducing the responsibility of overseeing your security infrastructure.

  • Global Accessibility: Cloud-based AS/400 systems facilitate remote access and collaboration from anywhere globally, enabling a more dispersed workforce.

AS/400 Cloud Migration Challenges

Despite the compelling benefits, transitioning an AS/400 to the cloud presents its set of challenges:

  • Compatibility Issues: The AS/400 operates on a proprietary operating system (IBM i) and architecture, which can pose hurdles when migrating directly to the cloud. Compatibility issues might arise when adapting AS400 applications to a cloud-native environment.

  • Data Migration: Relocating substantial data volumes from on-premises AS/400 systems to the cloud can be intricate and time-consuming. Rigorous planning and data migration tools are indispensable.

  • Application Modernization: AS400 applications often rely on outmoded programming languages such as RPG. Modernizing these applications for the cloud could necessitate substantial effort and specialized expertise.

  • Training and Skill Gaps: IT teams might lack the requisite skills and experience in cloud technologies. Adequate training and skill enhancement are imperative.

Optimal Strategies for AS/400 Cloud Migration

  • Assessment and Planning: Commence with an exhaustive evaluation of your AS400 migration environment. Determine which applications and workloads are appropriate for migration. Create a meticulous migration plan, encompassing a timeline and resource allocation.

  • Data Migration Strategy: Develop a robust data migration strategy. Contemplate employing specialized data migration tools and ensure data consistency and integrity throughout the process.

  • Application Modernization: If your AS400 applications necessitate modernization, opt for a cloud-native approach aligned with your business objectives. This could entail refactoring, rearchitecting, or even rewriting applications.

  • Security and Compliance: Confirm that your cloud environment adheres to industry-specific security and compliance requirements. Leverage cloud-native security features and implement best practices.

  • Team Training: Invest in the training and enhancement of your IT team to guarantee they possess the requisite expertise to efficiently manage and optimize your cloud infrastructure.


AS400 Cloud Migration is a strategic move that can revitalize your organization's IT infrastructure. It provides scalability, cost-effectiveness, improved security, and worldwide accessibility. However, it comes with its share of challenges, including compatibility issues and the need for application modernization.

By following best practices, careful planning, and leveraging the expertise of cloud migration professionals, businesses can unlock the full potential of the cloud while preserving the legacy of the AS/400. In doing so, they position themselves for a more agile and competitive future in the digital age.

Abel Willium
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In today's ever-evolving realm of business technology, the imperative of migrating legacy systems to the cloud has become undeniable. One such legacy system facing its own set of migration challenges is the AS/400, also known as the IBM iSeries.

In this blog post, we will delve into the motivations behind transitioning AS400 cloud Migration, the advantages it delivers, and essential considerations for a successful migration.

Why Migrate AS/400 to the Cloud?


  • Traditional AS/400 hardware and maintenance can incur substantial costs. Cloud platforms present a pay-as-you-go model, effectively trimming capital expenditures.


  • Cloud platforms offer the flexibility to adjust resources as per demand, guaranteeing optimal performance.

Enhanced Accessibility:

  • Cloud-based AS400 facilitates remote access, empowering employees to work from anywhere, thereby fostering collaboration and boosting productivity.

Augmented Security:

  • Modern cloud providers heavily invest in security measures, ensuring the safeguarding of your AS/400 data against potential threats.

Disaster Recovery:

  • Cloud-based AS400 migration often encompasses robust disaster recovery options, minimizing the risks associated with downtime.

Benefits of AS/400 Cloud Migration:


  • The cloud's extensive array of services and integration possibilities simplifies adaptation to changing business requirements.

Diminished Management Overhead:

  • Cloud providers shoulder infrastructure maintenance, alleviating the workload on your IT personnel.

Improved Performance:

  • Access to cutting-edge hardware and infrastructure in the cloud can enhance the speed and efficiency of your AS/400 applications.

Streamlined Data Integration:

  • Cloud platforms facilitate seamless data integration with other systems, facilitating modern analytics and reporting capabilities.

Key Considerations for AS/400 Cloud Migration:

Evaluate Your Applications:

  • Assess which AS400 applications are ripe for migration and consider any necessary modernization efforts.

Select the Right Cloud Provider:

  • Choose a provider that aligns with your organization's unique needs and offers specialized AS/400 cloud solutions.

Plan Your Data Migration:

  • Develop a robust data migration strategy to ensure a seamless transition without compromising data integrity.

Rigorous Testing:

  • Comprehensive testing is paramount for identifying and addressing potential issues before migrating mission-critical workloads.

Prioritize Security and Compliance:

  • Guarantee that your AS400 data remains secure in the cloud and that you meet industry-specific compliance requirements.

Employee Training:

  • Prepare your staff for the transition to the cloud to maximize productivity and operational efficiency.

Monitor and Optimize:

  • Implement monitoring tools to track performance and costs, allowing for ongoing optimization of your cloud resources.


The decision to migrate your AS/400 system to the cloud represents a strategic maneuver that can unlock numerous benefits, spanning cost efficiencies, scalability, security enhancements, and improved accessibility.

Nevertheless, this transition isn't a one-size-fits-all endeavor. Diligent planning, comprehensive assessment, and proficient execution are essential elements for a successful AS/400 cloud migration.

As technology continues to advance, embracing cloud solutions can position your organization for a competitive edge in the digital era. If you are contemplating the migration of your AS/400 system, seek counsel from experts and partner with a reliable cloud provider to ensure a seamless transition that empowers your business for years to come.

Abel Willium
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Is It Time to Modernize Your AS400 System with Cloud Migration?

The AS400, also referred to as the IBM iSeries, has played a vital role in the realm of business computing for numerous years. Nonetheless, as technology advances, numerous organizations find themselves compelled to update their AS400 systems. One viable solution gaining traction is AS400 cloud migration. In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons behind this shift, the benefits it offers, and the steps to successfully migrate your AS400 to the cloud.

Why Migrate AS400 to the Cloud?

Cost Savings: One of the primary motivations for migrating AS400 to the cloud is cost reduction. On-premises AS400 systems require substantial investments in hardware, maintenance, and physical space. On the other hand, cloud-based solutions provide pricing models based on pay-as-you-go, removing the necessity for capital expenditures.

Scalability: Cloud platforms provide scalability that can be difficult to achieve in on-premises environments. Migrating AS400 to the cloud empowers you to effortlessly adjust your resource allocation according to your organization's requirements, guaranteeing peak performance without unnecessary over-provisioning.

Enhanced Security: Cloud providers invest heavily in security measures, often surpassing what many organizations can afford to implement on their own. AS400 Migration to the cloud can improve your system's security posture.

High Availability: Cloud platforms offer robust high-availability options, reducing downtime and ensuring business continuity. This is particularly important for mission-critical AS400 applications.

Modernization: AS400 systems can be notoriously challenging to integrate with modern technologies. Moving to the cloud provides an opportunity to modernize your applications, making them more accessible and efficient.

Steps to AS400 Cloud Migration:

Assessment and Planning: Start with a thorough assessment of your current AS400 environment. Identify which applications and data are suitable for migration and create a detailed migration plan. Consider factors like data migration, application compatibility, and security requirements.

Choose a Cloud Provider: Select a cloud provider that aligns with your organization's needs. AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud are popular options, each offering a range of services suitable for AS400 migration.

Data Migration: Migrate your AS400 data to the cloud using appropriate tools and methods. Ensure data integrity and consider using database-as-a-service (DBaaS) solutions for seamless integration.

Application Migration: Determine the best approach for migrating AS400 applications. This may involve rehosting, refactoring, or rearchitecting depending on your requirements. Embrace cloud-native technologies where applicable.

Testing: Rigorously test your migrated applications and data to ensure they function correctly in the cloud environment. Address any issues promptly.

Security and Compliance: Implement robust security measures and compliance controls in the cloud environment to protect your AS400 data and applications.

Training and Documentation: Train your staff on the new cloud-based AS400 environment and ensure proper documentation for future reference.

Monitoring and Optimization: Implement monitoring and management tools to keep an eye on the performance and cost of your AS400 systems in the cloud. Continuously optimize your resources to maximize efficiency.


AS400 cloud migration offers a path to modernization, cost savings, and improved agility for organizations still relying on legacy AS400 systems. By carefully planning and executing the migration process, you can unlock the full potential of your AS400 applications and data in a cloud environment. Embrace this transformation to stay competitive and resilient in an ever-evolving business landscape.

Abel Willium
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In the rapidly changing landscape of the digital era, businesses are continuously searching for methods to optimize their operations, enhance productivity, and uphold their competitive edge. One powerful solution that has proven its worth is AS400 integration. The AS400, also known as the IBM iSeries, has been a dependable workhorse for organizations for decades.

By seamlessly incorporating this robust platform into modern systems, businesses can leverage its capabilities to drive efficiency, connectivity, and scalability.

The Legacy of AS400

The AS400, originally introduced by IBM in 1988, was designed as a versatile and scalable platform. It quickly gained popularity due to its stability and support for mission-critical applications. The AS400, despite its years in service, is still a fundamental component for thousands of organizations globally.

Its longstanding relevance speaks volumes about its reliability and capacity to adjust to evolving needs.

The Significance of AS400 Integration

As businesses evolve, they accumulate a variety of software applications and systems to address specific needs. However, this fragmented approach can lead to inefficiencies and data disarray. AS400 integration tackles these challenges by linking the AS400 applications with other databases, and services, creating a cohesive and efficient ecosystem. Here's why AS400 integration is crucial:

  1. Enhanced Efficiency: AS400 integration eliminates the need for manual data input and transfers between systems. This not only reduces errors but also saves valuable time and resources. Automated processes ensure that data flows seamlessly, enabling employees to concentrate on more strategic tasks.

  2. Improved Connectivity: Modern businesses rely on a plethora of applications, from customer relationship management (CRM) software to e-commerce platforms. AS400 integration bridges the gap between the AS400 and these applications, facilitating real-time data sharing and synchronization. This connectivity enables organizations to make well-informed decisions by utilizing current data.

  3. Scalability: Businesses are dynamic, and their software needs evolve over time. AS400 integration allows organizations to adapt by adding or removing applications without disrupting core operations. This scalability is crucial for remaining competitive and responsive to market demands.

  4. Data Visibility: AS400 integration provides a comprehensive view of an organization's data. When all systems are linked, you can access data from diverse sources within a single location. This not only makes reporting more straightforward but also enables more precise analysis and forecasting.

Key Considerations for AS400 Integration

Implementing AS400 integration demands careful planning and consideration. Here are some key factors to bear in mind:

  1. Select the Appropriate Integration Method: You can choose from several methods to integrate AS/400 with other systems, including using API-based integration, middleware solutions, or opting for custom development. The choice depends on the specific needs, existing infrastructure, and budget of your organization.

  2. Data Security: Safeguarding sensitive data is of utmost importance. Ensure that your integration strategy includes robust security measures to protect data during transmission and storage.

  3. Compatibility: Confirm that your AS400 system is compatible with the integration tools and technologies you plan to use. Older AS400 systems may require updates or modifications to support modern integration methods.

  4. User Training: Introducing new integrated systems may necessitate training for employees. Ensure that your team is well-prepared to use the integrated platform effectively.

  5. Scalability: As your business expands, your integration solution should be able to scale accordingly. Consider future growth and how your integration strategy can accommodate it.

Real-World Benefits of AS400 Integration

To illustrate the concrete benefits of AS400 integration, let's consider a fictional manufacturing company.

1. Streamlined Operations

The company had been relying on the AS400 for decades to manage production and inventory data. However, the sales team utilized a separate CRM system, resulting in delays and order processing errors. By integrating the AS400 with their CRM system, the company achieved real-time data synchronization.

This streamlined their operations, enabling them to fulfill orders more swiftly and reduce order processing errors by 30%.

2. Enhanced Customer Experience

Before the AS400 integration, the company's customers had limited visibility into order status and inventory levels. With integration in place, customers gained access to real-time information via a self-service portal. This heightened transparency resulted in increased customer satisfaction and a 20% boost in customer retention.

3. Data-Driven Decision-Making

company's management encountered difficulties in accessing consolidated data for business analytics. With AS400 integration, they gained a centralized data repository that amalgamated AS400 production data with sales, financial, and CRM data. This empowered them to make data-driven decisions and identify cost-saving opportunities, ultimately increasing profitability by 15%.

4. Scalability for Growth

As the company expanded its product line, it needed to integrate new manufacturing equipment with the AS400. The flexibility of their integration solution allowed them to seamlessly connect these new systems, ensuring continued efficiency and scalability as the company grew.


AS400 integration is not merely a way to connect an aging legacy system with modern applications; it's a strategic move that can unlock significant value for businesses. By streamlining operations, improving connectivity, ensuring scalability, and providing data visibility, AS400 integration empowers organizations to adapt and thrive in today's dynamic business environment.

It underscores the enduring legacy of the AS400 and its ongoing relevance in the digital era. If your organization still relies on the AS400, it's time to explore the possibilities of integration and harness its power for a brighter future.

Abel Willium
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In the fast-paced world of business, staying competitive necessitates adapting to evolving circumstances. For enterprises reliant on AS400 (IBM iSeries) systems, the modernization of their Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a vital step toward enhancing efficiency, productivity, and user satisfaction.

In this blog post, we will delve into the benefits of AS400 GUI modernization and why it stands as a strategic move for businesses.

What Does AS400 GUI Modernization Entail?

AS400 GUI modernization involves the revamp of the user interface of IBM iSeries systems to offer a more contemporary and user-friendly experience.

Typically, this transformation encompasses the replacement of text-based green screens with graphical interfaces, web-based applications, or mobile applications, ultimately making it simpler for users to interact with the system.

Benefits of AS400 GUI Modernization:

  1. Enhanced User Experience:

The foremost advantage of modernizing the AS400 GUI is the noticeable improvement in user experience. The transition from character-based interfaces to graphical, user-friendly interfaces significantly reduces the learning curve for newcomers, leading to heightened user satisfaction and shortened training periods.

Users can navigate the system with greater ease, resulting in fewer errors and less frustration.

  1. Increased Productivity:

Modernized GUIs can substantially enhance productivity. Employees can complete tasks more swiftly and with increased accuracy thanks to user-friendly interfaces.

Features like drag-and-drop functionality, context menus, and multi-tab interfaces streamline workflows, minimizing the time spent on manual data entry and system navigation.

  1. Anytime, Anywhere Access:

Modernized AS400 GUIs are often web-based or mobile-compatible, allowing users to access the system from various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

This versatility facilitates remote work and supports on-the-go decision-making, which is especially valuable in today's dynamic business environment.

  1. Integration Capabilities:

Modernized AS400 systems seamlessly integrate with other contemporary software solutions, such as CRM systems, ERP systems, and data analytics platforms.

This integration enables businesses to make more informed decisions by combining data from diverse sources, ultimately leading to improved operational efficiency and strategic insights.

  1. Cost Savings:

While the initial modernization of the AS400 GUI may require an investment, it can result in long-term cost savings. Increased efficiency and reduced error rates can translate into lower operational costs, as fewer resources are needed for system management and support.

Furthermore, the ability to integrate with newer technologies can extend the AS400 platform's lifespan.

  1. Competitive Edge:

Businesses that undertake AS400 modernization gain a competitive advantage. They can adapt more rapidly to shifting market conditions, respond more efficiently to customer demands, and innovate with new features and services.

This agility positions companies to outperform competitors and expand their market presence.

  1. Compliance and Security:

Modernized AS400 systems typically come with enhanced security features and compliance capabilities. This is particularly crucial in industries subject to strict regulatory requirements, such as healthcare, finance, and government. GUI upgrading aids businesses in ensuring they meet industry standards and safeguard sensitive data.


AS400 GUI modernization extends beyond superficial improvements to an outdated system; it's a means of optimizing business processes, elevating user experiences, and future-proofing your organization.

The advantages of modernization, including heightened user satisfaction, improved productivity, and adaptability to changing business landscapes, establish it as a strategic investment with the potential for long-term success.

If your enterprise relies on AS400 systems, it's time to contemplate the benefits of modernizing your GUI to maintain competitiveness in today's digital world.

Abel Willium
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Power BI, a business intelligence tool developed by Microsoft, has become a favored solution for organizations seeking to leverage the potential of data visualization and analytics. It provides a broad spectrum of functionalities, from crafting interactive reports and dashboards to delving into data exploration and sharing insights with stakeholders.

However, before embarking on the journey of implementing Power BI Cost, it's crucial to gain a comprehensive understanding of the associated costs. In this blog post, we will delve into the expenditures linked with implementing Power BI.

  1. Licensing Costs

The principal expenditure tied to Power BI implementation is licensing. Microsoft offers various licensing alternatives for Power BI, catering to distinct user requirements and organization sizes:

  • Power BI Desktop: This tool is available free of charge for report and dashboard creation. It can be downloaded from the Power BI website without incurring any expenses.
  • Power BI Pro: Priced at approximately $9.99 per user per month, Power BI Pro is ideal for individual users and small teams. It enables users to share reports and collaborate with colleagues within the organization.
  • Power BI Premium Per User (PPU): At roughly $20 per user per month, PPU offers a cost-effective choice for organizations with moderate usage. It furnishes dedicated capacity for report consumption, making it more scalable than Power BI Pro.
  • Power BI Premium: Tailored for large enterprises, Power BI Premium starts at $4,995 per month. It provides a dedicated capacity for report publication and consumption, accommodating a substantial number of users and complex workloads.
  • Power BI Embedded: For organizations aiming to integrate Power BI reports and dashboards into their applications, Power BI Embedded adopts a pay-as-you-go model, with pricing contingent on the number of renders and data refreshes.
  1. Data Storage Costs

Power BI necessitates data storage for housing the datasets and reports you construct. The expenses for data storage can fluctuate depending on the data volume and the selected storage solution. Organizations can opt for diverse data storage alternatives, including:

  • Power BI Service: The Power BI Service incorporates a certain amount of storage for datasets and reports as part of the subscription. Nevertheless, if you exceed these thresholds, supplementary costs may be applicable.
  • Azure Data Lake Storage or Azure SQL Data Warehouse: For extensive datasets and more advanced data processing, organizations often opt to store their data in Azure services. Azure pricing is contingent on usage, storage, and data transfer.
  1. Training and Skill Development

A successful Power BI implementation hinges on having proficient personnel capable of producing reports, managing data, and scrutinizing insights. Training your existing team or hiring skilled individuals incurs costs, including training materials, courses, or personnel salaries.

  1. Integration and Data Preparation

Efficiently integrating Power BI with your existing systems and preparing data for analysis may encompass extra expenses, such as hiring developers or procuring integration tools and connectors. These costs can vary considerably based on the intricacy of your data ecosystem.

  1. Support and Maintenance

Sustaining ongoing Power Bi support and maintenance is imperative to ensure the seamless operation of your Power BI implementation. Costs may encompass salaries for IT support, software updates, and resources for troubleshooting.


The cost of Power BI implementation can fluctuate widely based on your organization's size and requirements. Gaining a thorough comprehension of licensing options, data storage prerequisites, training, integration, and ongoing maintenance expenses is pivotal for budgeting and effectively planning a successful implementation.

Although Power BI offers an array of pricing alternatives to suit diverse organizations, meticulous evaluation of your specific requirements is indispensable in selecting the most cost-efficient solution for your business intelligence needs.

Abel Willium
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In today's fast-paced and technology-driven business landscape, staying ahead of the curve is imperative for success. For many organizations, IBM AS400 (also known as IBM iSeries or simply i) remains a cornerstone of their IT infrastructure, supporting critical applications and data. However, ensuring the efficient operation and strategic utilization of AS400 systems can be a complex endeavor. This is where AS400 consulting services come into play, offering invaluable expertise and guidance to businesses. In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why your business needs AS400 consulting services.

1. Expertise and Specialization

AS400 consulting company brings a wealth of experience and specialization in managing, optimizing, and modernizing IBM iSeries environments. These consultants are well-versed in the intricacies of AS400 systems, including the hardware, software, and security aspects. They possess a deep understanding of IBM i, RPG programming, and DB2 databases, making them your go-to experts for addressing AS400-related challenges.

2. Cost Efficiency

Hiring and retaining in-house AS400 experts can be prohibitively expensive. By outsourcing your AS/400 needs to a consulting service, you gain access to a dedicated team of professionals without the burden of full-time employee expenses. This cost-efficient approach allows you to allocate resources more strategically, ensuring that your IT budget is utilized effectively.

3. Risk Mitigation

AS400 systems often underpin critical business processes and house sensitive data. Any disruptions or security breaches can lead to severe consequences. AS400 consulting services can help you identify and mitigate risks, ensuring that your system remains resilient and compliant with industry regulations. They can also assist in disaster recovery planning to minimize downtime and data loss.

4. Performance Optimization

Over time, AS400 systems can become sluggish and inefficient due to outdated configurations and software. AS400 consultants can evaluate your system's performance and recommend optimizations to enhance speed and efficiency. Whether it's optimizing SQL queries, fine-tuning hardware, or streamlining processes, their expertise can lead to significant improvements in system performance.

5. Modernization and Integration

As businesses evolve, so do their technology needs. AS400 consulting services can help you modernize your IBM iSeries environment by integrating it with newer technologies and applications. Whether it's integrating with cloud services, implementing web and mobile interfaces, or migrating to newer hardware, consultants can guide you through the process seamlessly.

6. Strategic Planning

In the current digital landscape, maintaining competitiveness necessitates the presence of a well-defined IT strategy for businesses. AS400 consultants can play a crucial role in aligning your AS400 systems with your overarching IT strategy, guaranteeing that your technological investments are in harmony with your long-term business objectives. Their strategic expertise can facilitate well-informed choices regarding upgrades, migrations, and future investments.

7. Knowledge Transfer

By engaging AS400 consulting services, you're not just solving immediate challenges; you're also investing in knowledge transfer. These experts can train your in-house IT team, empowering them with the skills and knowledge needed to maintain and optimize your AS400 systems effectively. This knowledge transfer ensures that your organization can continue to benefit from AS400 expertise in the long run.

In conclusionAS400 consulting services are a valuable asset for any business relying on IBM iSeries technology. They bring a wealth of expertise, cost efficiency, risk mitigation, performance optimization, modernization capabilities, strategic planning, and knowledge transfer.

By partnering with AS400 consultants, you can ensure the reliability, security, and longevity of your AS400 systems while staying competitive in an ever-changing business landscape.

Abel Willium
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Ever wondered about the growing demand and void of AS400 programmers?

This is because of the ever-evolving world of IBM i that is creating the need for specialized, dynamic talent.

If you're an AS/400 user, looking to develop AS400 software development, there hasn't been a better time to hire qualified and talented AS400 developers.

One of the most user-friendly languages, RPG is almost nonexistent due to a lack of young talent, to believe a LinkedIn blog.

Does it mean that the IBM i services are riding toward the sunset?

We don't think so!

Most enterprises continue to have 75-100% of their workload on the AS400 i Series, as per a survey conducted by IBM. The fact states the enduring importance of AS400 developers.

In this blog, we have addressed key steps you can take to protect your AS400 systems’ investment and retain years of knowledge.

Here we go.

Starting with, how to cope with the retirement of IBM i talent?

Here are 4 effective ways you can cope with retiring AS400 iSeries IBM i talent - 

Typically, retirements are announced months or years in advance, meaning you have ample amount of time to prepare. You can follow these effective steps which are followed by leading companies:

Invest in new and existing staff

Along with the loss of a particular individual, the AS/400 talent's retirement creates a gap in planning and support among your existing team members. To protect your IBM i AS400 investment, ensure that the retiring employees are passing on the knowledge to the new staff.

The best way to save you the strain of this situation, practice documentation of the core IBM i knowledge.

Document, document, document

As part of the transition of knowledge to new talent, have your retiring AS400 staff record and document their knowledge of ''how-tos'' that include the day-to-day source of knowledge necessary to keep things rolling in your project.

Consider the automation tools

You can avail of the range of automation tools to assist your IBM i project transition with integration, enhanced development environments, and change management.

It enables your IBM iSeries staff to build in some of their knowledge while experiencing the best of both worlds.

Partner with a strategic AS400 iSeries IBMi Expert

Partnering with an expert can save you the chaos post-retirement of your veteran professionals. The experts come with hands-on knowledge and proven expertise with the AS400 software, domain, and platform to take most of the burden off your team and ensure a smooth transition.

Why AS400 Developers are in high demand?

Here are the top 5 reasons why AS400 programmers are in high demand in 2023:

1. It has been around for decades; thus it requires dedicated staff to manage updates and enhancements.

2. Top global businesses rely on AS400 for their critical business operations, requiring a dedicated team.

3. A significant count of AS400 developers is retiring. The colleges don't teach the program in school, thus there is a wide gap in the expertise.

4. The old AS400 system was known for its reliability and dependency. However, with growing modernization needs, businesses require special knowledge that only the IBM i developers possess.

5. Enterprises often prefer highly customized AS400 applications designed to meet their unique needs. Adept IBM i developers are required to maintain and enhance these customizations.

Hence, the bar for AS400 programmers is going higher despite their lack of availability.

What does an AS400 developer do?

The IBM i developers are responsible for maintaining, optimizing, customizing, and modernizing your AS400 systems and applications.

1. Their first and foremost role includes designing and application development to meet the changing needs of your organization.

2. They are responsible for routine maintenance and performance improvements to keep the AS400 iSeries IBMi running optimally.

3. The IBM i developers are the true guardians of your legacy system. They connect the dots between modern technology and your legacy ecosystem.

4. The iSeries professionals are responsible for minimizing the downtime of your critical operations. They ensure uninterrupted and smooth functioning.

As you understand the role of IBM i developers, here is the best approach to hiring them.

What should be the ideal approach to hire AS400 developer - in-house or outsourced?

While some decision-makers are preaching the benefits of outsourcing, a few others have satisfactory experiences with their in-house team.

This creates a spot among other decision-makers in deciding whether to build an in-house developer's team or hire AS400 developers.

Let's look at the pros and cons of both the worlds.

Pros of hiring in-house AS400 developers

Employee Commitment & Dedication:Hiring a team of in-house developers can be beneficial as they are dedicated to contributing to your project's success.

Comprehensive Business Knowledge: In-house team better understands your company's culture and operations, offering better collaboration and insights on improvements.

Confidence in Quality & Security: The team can provide greater assurance in terms of security and AS/400 software quality.

Cons of hiring in-house AS400 development team:

Higher Costs:Your in-house staff maintenance with heavy salaries and additional benefits can be expensive.

High Recruitment Time: Finding the right in-house talent can be time and resource-consuming, diverting the resources from development priorities.

Staffing Challenges:Again, staffing problems can drive resource waste and missed opportunities.

Pros of hiring outsourced AS400 developers

Cost Savings: It is an undeniable benefit of outsourcing. It comes with reduced staffing challenges and a $0 overhead cost.

Short-Term Commitment: Outsourcing is best suitable for short-team project requirements, reducing long-term commitment.

Focus on Core Business: It enables you to focus on core business operations rather than tangling with foreign technology.

Drawbacks of outsourcing AS400 talent:

Security Concerns:Sharing your hard-earned, sensitive data with external teams can invite security challenges, calling for robust security measures.

Communication Barrier:You may invite communication barriers if you and the outsourced team are sharing different time zones, requiring a clear communication approach.

Limited Control: You may not have complete control over the AS400 software development, requiring tried and tested management tools and clear communication methods.

Despite the dilemma between outsourced and in-house teams, a growing number of decision-makers (especially from the USA) prefer hiring an outsourcing team for their AS/400 project, instead of expanding their in-house team. The reason is that the pros of outsourcing overshadow its cons.

As you have decided to outsource the AS/400 experts, here's how you can find the best fit for your project.

How to pick the right RPG developers for your project?

Here's a checklist of inquiries to be questioned before you engage with the talent:

  • Have you worked on a top-priority RPG development project?
  • What are the KPIs you use to measure the ROI for your RPG development project?
  • Will your internal team of RPG programmers be dedicated to this project, entirely?
  • Is there a need for additional talent to support your current team of RPG developers?
  • How many resources are involved in hiring new AS400/IBM i developers for your in-house team?
  • Do you require a wholesome RPG development team or special RPG talent will suffice?
  • How soon can newly engaged AS400/iSeries developers start contributing to the project?
  • What's your experience in system monitoring, backup & recovery, and system performance optimization?
  • What is the cost of delay in delivery of your project?
  • What is the cost of rework on your project?

Final thoughts

Merely because many talented iSeries developers are about to ride off into retirement doesn't mean the IBM i software development is done for. You can still thrive in their post-retirement era with the right approach.

This blog was brought to you by Integrative Systems, your IBM i development partner, with 2 decades of industry experience and expertise, armed with best-in-industry IBM i developers dedicated to uplifting your project.

Reach out to us today at with your queries and our IBM i AS400 professionals will get back to you within 48 hours.

Abel Willium

The AS400, currently recognized as the IBM iSeries, has been a steadfast presence in the realm of computing since its debut in the late 1980s. 

Despite its vintage, this adaptable platform maintains its significance across a diverse array of industries, owing to its dependable performance, strong security measures, and resilient architecture. 

In this blog post, we will delve into the assorted applications of the AS400 within various industries and underscore its lasting importance in the contemporary digital environment. 


The manufacturing sector relies heavily on AS400 for its ability to manage and streamline complex processes.

The AS/400 is well-suited for manufacturers due to its capabilities in real-time data management, inventory control, and order processing. 

Its scalability enables it to efficiently manage the substantial volume of data generated in today's advanced production facilities, contributing to streamlined operations. 


Within the healthcare sector, data security and privacy stand as utmost priorities.

IBM as/400's inherent security functionalities, encompassing role-based access control and encryption, render it an appealing option for overseeing patient records, billing processes, and insurance claims.

Its stability ensures that critical systems are available 24/7, reducing downtime in healthcare facilities. 


Financial institutions such as banks and credit unions rely on AS400 to manage transactions, customer accounts, and regulatory compliance.

The platform's robustness and transaction processing capabilities ensure that financial data is processed accurately and securely, even during peak transaction periods. 


AS400's ability to manage inventory, handle point-of-sale transactions, and support e-commerce operations makes it an asset for the retail industry.

It enables retailers to track sales, manage stock levels, and provide seamless customer experiences both in-store and online.

Transportation and Logistics 

In the fast-paced world of transportation and logistics, AS400 plays a crucial role in managing routes, tracking shipments, and optimizing supply chain operations. 

Its real-time data processing capabilities ensure that logistics companies can respond quickly to changing conditions and customer demands. 


Many educational institutions use AS400 to manage student records, enrollment, and administrative functions. 

Its reliability ensures that educational systems are available when needed, and its security features protect sensitive student data. 


Government agencies often rely on AS400 for their mission-critical applications, such as tax collection, social services, and public safety.

The platform's stability and security features are essential for safeguarding citizen data and ensuring the uninterrupted delivery of essential services. 

Aerospace and Defense 

In the aerospace and defense sector, AS400 is utilized for managing complex supply chains, tracking inventory, and supporting manufacturing processes. 

Its ability to handle classified information securely makes it an attractive choice for organizations in this industry. 


Hotels, restaurants, and other hospitality businesses use the AS400 for managing reservations, billing, and guest services.

Its reliability and real-time capabilities help ensure a seamless guest experience. 


The AS400, now known as the IBM iSeries, continues to thrive in various industries due to its reliability, security, and scalability. Its enduring value lies in its ability to adapt to changing business needs while maintaining the stability and security required for critical applications. 

As technology evolves, the AS400 remains a testament to the enduring legacy of IBM's commitment to innovation and excellence in computing. 

Whether in manufacturing, healthcare, finance, retail, transportation, education, government, aerospace, and defense, or hospitality, AS400 continues to be a reliable workhorse that powers essential operations across multiple industries. 


Abel Willium
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In the dynamic landscape of today's business environment, maintaining a competitive edge demands the smooth integration of diverse systems and technologies.

AS400, also recognized as IBM i, has stood as a steadfast and resilient platform for businesses over the years. It boasts a broad spectrum of functionalities, from managing vital business data to executing applications, and it persists in adapting to contemporary business requirements.

In this blog post, we will delve into the significance of AS400 integration and its role in enhancing operational efficiency for businesses.

Understanding AS400 Integration

AS400 integration is the method of linking IBM i systems with different applications, platforms, or services, all with the aim of establishing a cohesive and effective IT ecosystem.

This integration can take place at multiple levels, encompassing data integration, application integration, and process integration. The ultimate objective is to facilitate the smooth flow of both data and processes between the AS400 system and other systems within the organization.

Why AS400 Integration Matters

  1. Improved Data Accessibility: AS400 systems often store critical business data. By integrating AS400 with other systems, you can make this data easily accessible to other parts of your organization, enabling better decision-making and analysis.

  2. Enhanced Efficiency: Integration eliminates the need for manual data entry and data duplication, reducing the risk of errors and saving time. This increase in efficiency has the potential to result in substantial cost reductions and enhanced productivity.

  3. Real-time Information: AS400 integration allows for real-time data exchange, ensuring that everyone in your organization has access to up-to-date information. This is crucial for making timely decisions and responding quickly to changing market conditions.

  4. Seamless Business Processes: Integrating AS400 with other applications can streamline your business processes.

    As an illustration, automating tasks like order processing, inventory management, and financial reporting can result in more streamlined and efficient operations.

  5. Competitive Edge: In a fiercely competitive market, businesses that can swiftly and effectively adjust are better positioned for success. AS400 integration helps your organization stay agile and responsive to customer needs.

Methods of AS400 Integration

There are various methods and technologies for integrating AS400 with other systems:

  1. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces): Creating APIs on the AS400 system allows other applications to communicate with it. This is a common method for enabling real-time data exchange.

  2. Middleware: Middleware solutions, such as IBM MQ Series or Apache Kafka, can facilitate communication between AS400 and other systems by acting as a message broker.

  3. Data Integration Tools: Tools like IBM InfoSphere DataStage or open-source solutions like Apache Nifi can be used to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data from AS400 into other databases or systems.

  4. Web Services: AS400 applications can expose web services, making it easier for web and mobile applications to interact with the system.

  5. Integration Platforms: Cloud-based integration platforms like MuleSoft, Dell Boomi, or Azure Logic Apps provide pre-built connectors and tools for integrating AS400 with various other applications and services.

Challenges and Considerations

While AS400 integration offers numerous benefits, there are some challenges and considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Legacy Systems: AS400 systems might be running older software and technologies, which can make integration more complex. It's essential to plan for compatibility and potential upgrades.

  2. Security: Ensure that data transferred between AS400 and other systems is secure. Implement encryption and authentication mechanisms to protect sensitive information.

  3. Data Mapping and Transformation: Data often needs to be transformed to match the format of the target system. Proper data mapping and transformation processes are crucial for successful integration.

  4. Testing and Validation: Rigorous testing and validation procedures are necessary to identify and resolve any issues that may arise during integration.


AS400 integration is a key strategy for modernizing and optimizing your business operations.

It enables the efficient flow of data and processes between AS400 systems and other applications, resulting in improved productivity, real-time decision-making, and a competitive edge in the market.

As businesses continue to evolve, embracing AS400 integration is a step towards ensuring long-term success and growth.

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