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Mobile app prototyping is an integral element in the design phase of mobile app development. So, if a business wants to stand out in a cutthroat market and increase the probability of product success, then prototyping helps to ensure enterprises to move forward with a developing tested product, which is proven to real user value as well as exceptional functionality. So, this interactive process allows for testing of assumptions and the opportunity to receive user’s feedback which can be used for refining ideas and test solutions because gathering feedback can also help you to shape your final design and assure that you are on the right path before investing significant time in developing for the final product.


What is a Prototype?


Prototyping is an initial model of something from which other forms are developed or copied from a sketch of the product interface to dynamic interactive model. However, the product prototype is a working and interactive model which can be physically tested by potential users. So, that it allows you to create a visualization of how your product will function, demonstrate user flows as well as give an idea of designs and the layout. The major purpose of developing this model is to communicate your design and navigation of the app to the stakeholder and users.


Below are the given best practices for prototyping which will utilize in maximizing the effectiveness of your prototyping:


Keep it lean


The primary purpose of mobile app prototyping is to gain a greater understanding of user pain points for ensuring that the mobile product providing an adequate solution. So, it is important not to build an entire product before creating your prototype which defines ideas and the features which you want to be tested and can set a limit for the time you will spend creating the prototype.


Minimize details


A prototype has to be a high-level outline of what you have visualized, so your end product shouldn’t be too granular. Hence, strip away all the visual elements like fonts, colors, and any visuals which are not essential for the product functionality. Thus, the ideas are not determining what color of an icon or logo should be because the design details should follow after completing this process.


Prioritizing features


Prioritizing and deciding features are the utmost essential because it is the only thing which you should include in your prototype. Therefore, you can start answering questions like what are the major problems my users are experiencing or how the functionality of my product will solve the problems. Thus, adding a number of necessary features in your prototype will help you to ensure that the process is moving smoothly.


Using real content


Using a placeholder copy like “Lorem ipsum” in your mobile app prototype will not give an adequate representation of how content will display on their device. Besides, it won’t provide an understanding of what the mobile app does or its purpose. Therefore, using a real content in your prototype will give you a better idea of how the app should function.


Map out user flows


It is essential to create a product with keeping users in mind. So, mapping out the user’s journey will help you to see the product from the user perspective. So, right from the opening, a mobile app to reaching its end goal helps you to provide an insight into how you can conveniently design the app. Besides, defining a user flow and addressing the users’ actions can also help you to complete the end goal as well as ensures that you don’t miss anything while keeping user satisfaction in mind.


Test on multiple devices


Mobile devices have various screen sizes, operating system, and the capabilities. So, testing on multiple devices will help you to ensure that you properly evaluate how your app will display and how your users will interact with your content across various devices. Thus, this will also help you to identify usability issues and the constraints of the devices.




Prototypes are mainly built to test ideas based on the outcomes that the prototype can be updated and retested. Therefore, receiving a feedback on the repetition of your prototype gives a valuable communication channel for identifying error and opportunities for improvement.


So, for wrapping up above are the given mobile app prototyping practices to help you to set a path for mobile application development, so it does not only save time and money, but it also helps you to become one step closer for achieving your ideas in the form of serviceable or user-friendly design.


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