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There is only one thing' which is constant in this universe that is change and eCommerce is not an exception to this belief as it makes up over 10% of all retail sales in the world with anticipation that it will reach over 20% in the coming years. So, the conversion with mobile technology is steadily on the rise. According to the recent survey from Forrester Research reported an over 50% increase in mobile ecommerce sales, as online sales are continually increasing, then the expectations of customers also growing as well, where ecommerce Development Company reach its target consumers and convert the sales. So, below are the given ecommerce development trends, where these trends are not necessarily new to the scene as they have been around for a while now.
Personalized Shopping Experience
According to the Dynamic yield, most of the shoppers believe that there should be an improvement in a mobile shopping experience, where different customers have different needs, so a personalized approach is a strong demand as it is the only key for improving the shopping experience. However, more than 40% of customers also prefer companies which can customize their shopping experience because personalization is not a new trend as a lot of customers expect it whenever they are shopping online, and over 60% of customer expects companies to present personalized discounts and offers. As per the survey from Amazon, over 30% of their total sales revenue is attributed to personalized product recommendations to customers. Therefore, Magento certified developer can help you for creating personalized discounts and coupons while using the preference of customers to provide product recommendations. Thus, the business should allow this trend of personalization as it saves customers time as well as effort.
Hassle Free Checkout 
Checking out by using mobile has become a big trend in this tech-driven era as this makes it crucial to optimize the mobile checkout process. So, it is important to make the process hassle-free if a business wants a considerable number of customers to reach their website. Make sure you consider implementing the image recognition for scanning the credit cards of the user. So, this would certainly help in making the registration process more accessible and convenient, as well as companies, should also hire certified Magento developer to ensure that their checkout process is seamless and straightforward because these days, brands are developing their checkout based on mobile hand positioning, so this helps to check out go hassle free or seamlessly.
Mobile Shopping is growing
The use of mobile is increasing significantly and the best part is that it is gaining a strong foothold on the market, so people not only shopping online, but they are also using their devices to research or browse before making their mind about their purchase. So, as trust in online shopping, increasing consumers also started feeling more comfortable shopping on their mobile devices than ever before.  So, as a result, now more and more sites are optimized for mobile use, as well as this is helping for making an ecommerce more straightforward and accessible for a broader audience.
Evolving Role of Social Media in Ecommerce
In this tech driven era, social shoppers are rapidly increasing with the introduction of a Buy button on Facebook and Instagram checkout. Therefore, social media is playing a significant role in the world of ecommerce, where it is helping to discover a large number of consumers spending time on social media like Instagram. So, the ecommerce business can take help from these influencers to increase their chances of getting discovered by their target audience. Besides, platforms like Magento and Shopify can also link their online store with social media so that people can buy from stores with the help of these platforms, and making it relatively easy. That is why brands need to adopt a focused shopping approach to their social strategy.

Augmented Reality
One of the main concerns that people usually have while shopping online is the inability to see the product firsthand. So, AR technology helps to bridge this gap by enabling online shopper better visualize the products that they are interested in. So, this can be a game changer for an online customer as this can change the way that online customers perceive the products which they intended to buy as well as it can also help the customer to understand their needs. However, some ecommerce brands have already started experimenting with AR, which helped them to stand out from the competition. Hence, delivering a more personalized experience to consumers will enable better online shopping, where companies using Augmented Reality not only to enhance customer experience but it is also helping to allow shopper to test or explore products in the way that they would do during an in-person experience.

So, for wrapping up with the increase in mobile device users, the advancement in technology changes in consumer behavior so you need to keep an eye out for these ecommerce trends because this will help in improving the shopping experience for your customers as well as it is also helping to build a long lasting relationship with them. So, take your magento website development to the next level, by evolving with it side by side, and taking advantage of these ecommerce trends.

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