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Ecommerce is a robust domain with its cutting throat competition as thousands of sellers, selling similar products online. Therefore, by designing visually appealing or feature-rich Magento website development is just one aspect of stating your ecommerce business, but the secret of success mainly depends upon the standing apart from your competitors. So, the best way to do is to go an extra mile with what you offer, for both in terms of products as well as customer experience, while product design takes care the first phase and the second one involves enriching your websites with some outstanding features. Therefore, Augmented Reality is one which is breaking into this domain as it is consists of convergence of physical and digital spaces to create interactive user experiences. However, Augmented Reality also holds enormous potential in this domain where customer experience is a mainstay of selling. So, below are the following of how augmented reality can help to add value to your Magento Store.

Customer experience 
Augmented reality allowing their customers to get lifelike experience’ that it is to feel like they are physically visiting the store. So, it doesn’t only provide a closer look at the products, but it is also giving you the facility to customize different aspects of the product as per the business needs. Therefore, it is providing a customer with a better feel of the product and how it fits into their lives. According to the recent survey, 61% of online shoppers prefer to make their purchase on ecommerce sites which are provided by the augmented reality, where the best examples include jewelry, furniture, and fashion ecommerce website.
Shopping time
Most of the online stores provide instructional videos on several products in order to help customers for understanding a product. So, with the help of augmented reality, it is not only helping the customer to interact with a product, but it is also helping you to explore given functionalities. However, an average online shopper spends roughly 2 minutes before making a purchase, but with the help of Augment reality experience grows, and it has been showing that if a customer spends more time in a particular store, then they are more likely to make the purchase.
Most of the buyers like to explore numerous options and preferences before making a purchase, but with the help of augmented reality, customers now can experience a virtual form with comfort in their home. So, customization involves colors, designs, pattern, and much more can be explored with the help of AR technology.
Works Best with Mobile Devices
Combination of augmented reality and mobile devices is a match made in heaven, so mobile phones with their camera and high processing power can provide a platform for AR apps to operate in a seamless manner. Besides, numerous customer shops through their phones, so ecommerce operators can design a mobile app equipped with a high octane AR experience. Therefore, customers will be able to enjoy real-time rendering of models on live backgrounds, which helps them to get the real taste of what is and what can be.
Increases traffic or user sessions on the store
AR helps to increase the traffic of your ecommerce website development as well as it is also improving the length of the user sessions. Therefore, it helps them to give innovative product presentation and encourages them to have a closer look or to explore the product functionalities because as long as customers stay on the website, then it helps to better the chances of store conversion. So, the customer who impressed with user experience mostly tends to recommend the store to others and can get more traffic.
Reduce the return rate
Augmented reality also helps to bring down the return rates to a considerable extent, and at the same time, it also serves the benefits of building customer trust in the business brand as it allows the customers for having a look at the products and also assists for making a more informed purchase decision.
Avoid Post-Purchase Risks
Most of the time customer end up dissatisfied with their purchase which they made by ecommerce store, so business needs to ensure that their customer receives what exactly they have ordered because customers get wrong impressions of a product by seeing 2D images, and then the matter of customer satisfaction suffers big time. Therefore, the situation can be avoided by using AR, through which customers can view detailed 3D images of the products, and this can also help to leave no margin for error as well. However, this will not only give a brand choice to acquire a new customer but also help to satisfy the existing one as well.    
Help in targeting global customers 
Being the most innovative technology, AR can also be used for targeting international customers for those who appreciate excellent shopping experience. Moreover, if you are selling your products on a global basis, then your store needs to showcase your products in such a manner that they can visualize them well enough to make a buying decision. Therefore, the functionalities of Augmented Reality work as an added advantage for your Magento ecommerce website.
So, for wrapping up,’ these are just a few ways in which AR can be used by ecommerce companies to improve their business. However, the integration of augmented reality is a significant investment considering all the cost and time, but the benefit that it brings for justifying the cost without any doubt, so you will be able to use the enhancing customer engagement which can help to increase your ecommerce site sales so that you can recover the investment within no time.


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