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Advantages of developing a Progressive Web Applica

As per the Statista, 197 billion amazing mobile applications were downloaded in 2017 alone, and almost any budding business is set to have its dedicated mobile app. However, mobile applications come with heavy development cost obligations and make significant provision for servers, which take into account high volumes of data. Keeping these entire factors in mind, progressive web applications are turning into a great alternative to mobile apps for any business.


But first of all, what is a progressive web application?

A PWA is a web application that uses the abilities of modern web capabilities to give users an app-like experience. Depending on certain requirements, these applications are deployed on servers accessible through URLs and indexed through search engines. When it is about building web applications and progressive web applications, we Panacea Infotech is one of the top web application development company.


Let's see a few benefits of the PWA of business:


Low data usage:

Data is a costly commodity in various countries. Most of it might be in your list of business demographics. But, different smartphone hotbeds countries are experiencing a decline in the price of data but are still a pricey affair for these countries. Contrasted with native applications, PWAs utilize a small amount of information use. Driving eCommerce sites like Konga have demonstrated a decrease of 92% less information utilization in contrast with a conventional application that assists lessening with costing for any end client. Native apps that devour up to 10mb of information can be diminished to a simple 500kb utilizing a PWA. This is or more for your shoppers as they can lessen their month to month information cutoff and diminishing information costs. PWAs likewise don't require extra space storage.


No Updates Required:

Local applications that most clients have introduced on their gadgets update naturally more often than not and which frequently require a Wi-Fi connection. Refreshing any application without Wi-Fi can prompt and massive data consumption. Considering the idea of PWAs, this issue is invalidated. Since they are like sites, the update happens a little quicker without requiring the endorsement of an application store or play store. This likewise enables the developers to address any basic issues that can be fixed consistently and in a shorter time.


Low Development Cost:

The expense acquired in building up a PWA is lower than developing a native application. Any business that requires a local application will necessitate that application to be created for both android and iOS devices which at present comprise a figure of 99.6% of all cell phone gadgets or web application design services. This can be an expensive activity for any new company or business that is hoping to see an outstanding ROI on their native app project. Dynamic web applications are less costly to deliver until and except if fusing superior functionality. This gives any business to produce a positive ROI. While a standard Android or iOS application can cost $20k-$80k while a PWA can be produced for a small amount of which can go from $6k-$10k?


PWAs assist in SEO

Besides the low data, storage, and overall maintenance cost, a significant advantage of adopting PWA could be the fact that it boosts the search ability and accessibility of your business. Uber’s PWA takes less than 2 seconds to load, and this has a significant impact, and this has a significant impact on search engine rankings as faster loading sites are recognized faster. This helps to index your PWA quickly as well and helps but provide a great success to your SEO strategy. This makes PWAs a good marketing strategy, as well.


Great Business Results

PWA has also proved to deliver great results for businesses using them. They help provide a seamless experience with low data usage along with fast loading times, which has made several companies witness their conversions increase significantly. For example, notable brand Pet love saw a 2.8x increase in their traffic conversions by choosing to switch to PWA and also caused a rise in the average session length. West Elm, a home decor company, reported an overall 15% increase in the overall time spent on the website due to the presence of PWA besides the 9% rise in revenue per visit.


PWAs assist in SEO 

Other than the low data, storage, and general support cost, a huge bit of leeway of receiving PWA could be the way that it helps the pursuit capacity and availability of your business. PWAs load quickly. Uber's PWA takes under 2 seconds to load, and this has a considerable effect, and this has a significant impact on internet search rankings as faster loading websites are perceived quicker. This helps to index your PWA rapidly, too and helps yet give an incredible accomplishment to your SEO procedure. This makes PWAs a decent showcasing technique also.


Incredible Business Results

PWA has additionally demonstrated to convey extraordinary outcomes for organizations utilizing them. They help provide a consistent experience with low data usage alongside fast loading times that has made several companies to witness higher conversions.


As one of the top PHP application development company, we at Panacea Infotech have made many successful efforts in building web applications and progressive web applications for various industrial verticals. Our team of skilled developers is eager to accept any challenge between you and your web application. If you have any idea for a web application or mobile application, please write to us at



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