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We are living in an era' where anything that we want is available with the touch of a button, whether it is food, apparel, or even a cab. All this has become possible with the help of mobile app solutions which have enabled us to buy or sell or order anything at any time and from anywhere in the world. So, in today's technological era, industries are living their best time with the help of mobile application development to simplify the work process and gaining massive exposure in the international market. Before we used to call a driver to pick you up or used to call agency as they were well-known in that era, but now with the help of mobile apps, riders are feeling impeccable relief as they can book multiple vehicles at any-time, anywhere across the world. 


Below are the given must have features of On-Demand Taxi Mobile Apps: 




Geo-location plays a crucial part in an on-demand taxi app for both passenger and driver’s app. As it help' driver’s to identify the passenger location and then provide the real-time location or direction on the map, which also enables the driver to get the passenger. Therefore, a passenger can see the driver location and then able to predict the arrival time. 


Split the fare with Uber 


If you are sharing your ride with a number of people, then you can schedule your trip with the help of this feature in an equal percentage share of the vehicle cost. So, this makes it easier for a user to divide the expense, as well as it also reduces the time to figure out for cash payments and limit personal contact with the driver. Besides, it also help' to create a convenient and straightforward method for assuring you get where you need to be. 


In-app Payments 


Payment in cash is outdated, so the app like Uber provides the facility of in-app payment option, to makes the payment process smooth and convenient. So, having a fully compliant payment gateway is also a way to go forward if you need taxi app solutions. Therefore, the integrated payment method help' the customer for making the process of payment automated because this helps the passenger to provide exact change during the payment. So, integrating in-app payment method in your taxi riding app gives you multiple payment options like credit and debit cards, cash, and wallets, and so on. 


Review and Rating 


No business flourishes without a valuable rating or feedback from the customer. So, your taxi app must have a feature of review and rating because this will help the rider to give honest feedback towards your service. Additionally, this will also help you to refine your business and learn about the loopholes and other weak areas. 


Analytical Tools 


If you need to know how your drivers are performing, then you certainly need to seek help from technology. So, using some analytical tools will help you get the necessary numbers and can analyze them as per the business requirement. Therefore, given feature will also help you to improve reward, transparency as well as your business. Additionally, you will be able to track missed orders, track orders, or assigned orders, etc. 


Leverage automation and bring down costs 


On-demand taxi app provides real-time connectivity for both riders and driver, so this does not only provide better user experience, but it also reduces the estimated time of arrival and improves the driver performance along with that it also brings down the overhead cost generated by handling everything on its own. 


Share the Estimated Time of arrival 


Option to share your ETA and route map is very useful in the current era because this provides the facility to share your ETA and route map to your friend or relative who you are going to meet. So, these people can schedule their activity according to the provided estimated time of arrival. 




There are many reasons for having a proper process of authorization, like for online payments and other details like contact details profile, driver’s name, license plate number, and so on. Additionally, it also help' you giving rating and reviews, which makes the smooth and seamless communication between the customer and the driver and can easily share or see each other contact details. 


Emergency contact and button 


Emergency contact and button provides the facility of sharing their ride details with some emergency contacts. So, if some problem arises, then there must be an emergency button to inform the contacts about your trouble. 


So, for wrapping up, above are the given must-have features for the success of Uber, which can also lead to the development of various taxi app to provide the on-demand taxi services.


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