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The pandemic has forced the fashion domain to rethink its approach to digital technology and entice the younger audience that grew up around the internet era. However, it is a biased way to think that all fashion and luxury companies opposed the idea of digital fashion. They were just a little reluctant to accept the new changes and were unsure how should they go about it. In fact, the fashion world, especially haute couture, has always been very keen on innovation and digital technology. The product configurator, a customization tool, is here to help apparel and accessories brands to let loose and allow buyers to seamlessly design their clothes, bags, jewelries, and footwear. The custom-made tool allows companies to focus on other crucial aspects of the business while handling customer-related challenges.

Online Product Configurator Allows Fashion Houses to Radically Transform Business

In alignment with other industries, the digital transformation of the fashion and luxury sector was radically accelerated during the pandemic. The new changes have impacted how customers interact with fashion houses and how the industry operates internally, whether managing its inventory, pricing, and supply chain or designing and producing its products. This new way of selling fashion has been leveraging big data for some years now. The commercial model has already shifted from being centred around retailers to being heavily reliant on online shopping. The rise in digital-native brands indicates the fashion industry's surge in digital solutions.

Let us explore various digital trends that help the fashion and luxury industry drive the marketplace:

1. The Rise of In-store Tech

When the pandemic first outbroke in 2020, many assumed the world would become completely digital, and the offline stores were the things from the past. However, as the restrictions were lifted and people were thrilled to go to stores and malls, proved all the hypotheses wrong. It is crucial to note that even if people visit brick-and-mortar stores, their purchasing pattern is still governed by digital solutions. Therefore, fashion houses are forced to incorporate solutions in their physical store to make sales and establish a direct connection with shoppers. But, there's no denying that customers want digital tools more and more with every passing year.

Fashion houses and designers have found a way to integrate tech into their in-house to boost sales, including digital walls to enable customers to seek assistance. The connected mirrors allow buyers to request various sizes of items that people would like to try and save their time and efforts in searching for alternatives. Self-checkout tech is the most common feature being incorporated among various storefronts enabling customers to pay for items on their phones and walk out without needing to deal with queues and till operatives. Likewise, the 3D product configurator can be seamlessly installed in physical stores to allow the smooth transaction. Apparel, luxury brands, and retailers can offer recommendations and provide try-before-you-buy options to customers to ensure an immersive experience.

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