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Earlier customization would mean changing color or adding very minute details to the product. Still, as technology is advancing, the better customers are able to use it to create something unique. And we have stepped into the new era of social media, the scope of customization has widened. It is not just about the product, but experience as a whole, and in recent times, it has largely become a trend of showcasing the outfit creations and the latest purchases on social media. The product design tools offer a similar set of robust business solutions to apparel, footwear, headgear, and jewelry brands to let their customers design their product in whichever way they want. The software comes with a novel business tactic of enabling brands to enhance their customer experiences by allowing their buyers to start and end their shopping in 3d. In short, they can now select, design, and preview using our tool’s advanced technology.

Online Product Designer Enables Brands to Strengthen their Core Business Model

We all have seen how fashion has transformed digital over the last few years. The way brands and designers communicate has always remained the same for premium products. Their aim is to tell a story that impacts consumer purchase decision in a way that this results in longing for status and luxury products. This has seen a raft of inspirational content shared across Instagram – from luxury style inspiration to luxury watch accounts. As such, this fast-growing trend of luxury-seeking has resulted in a need for exclusivity. Customization is truly the future of digital marketing. In fact, uniqueness is what customers want. They what marketing, event products that make them feel unique. One study even shows that 79% of consumers feel frustrated if their viewing isn’t tailored to them.

Many customers have had a difficult time in 2020, and they’re looking for the brands they’ve stuck by to support them and help make 2021 much better. The good news is that Forrester predicts that 25% of brands will have significant advances in the quality of their customer experience in the year 2021. According to Gartner, by 2020, at least 90% of online advertisers will start using marketing personalization. And by 2021, there will be a significant increase in fully personalized websites.

Let us have a look at how brands can offer customization to their buyers and boost their sales:

Athleisure Transmit Itself into Primary Business

The NPD Group study conducted research and found that athleisure is all set to lead the American shoe sale market through 2021, as it continues its steady 7% year-on-year rise. These findings support Lyst’s most recent report, which revealed that luxury streetwear and sportswear continue to evolve their definitions. Just like these reports, many experts believe that ‘streetwear’ and ‘athleisure’ powered the year’s biggest trends with customers. It is due to the fact that people demand versatility and everyday comfort as they are majorly working from home. Besides these factors, the inclination towards fitness and health regime is rising, and as a result, the fashion and luxury market are dominated by sportswear.

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