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Product Configuration Tool Helps Fashion Brands to

Fashion goes by just as fast as fashion. We try to pace up with some of the fashion trends, and there are some that people couldn't catch the ropes with. And as thousands of brands enter into the fashion domain, people's wardrobe is filled with impulse and discount purchases, with some still having the tags on. However, knowing that the cloth you are selling can create an impact on our environment is gaining huge traction among various fashion brands. Leading and emerging fashion houses are leaving no stone unturned to ensure they revamp their traditional business model and change it to more sustainable and ethical for the planet and its people. Likewise, the product configurator software offers brands customization solutions that help them to produce clothes as per the demands put forth by customers. These measures enable fashion companies to keep track of their produces and reduce landfills.

Product Configuration Tool Allows Brands to Adopt More Radical Measures

According to a report published by Ellen McArthur Foundation, the global textile industry produces more greenhouse emissions than international aviation and shipping combined. It is well-recorded that the fashion industry comes second only to the petroleum industry for polluting the environment. It is reported that over 150 million tonnes of clothing waste are anticipated to clog landfills by 2050. And currently, there is no concrete mainstream technology or measures that will change the landscape for the industry. These human-made issues have misguided global natural resources, and certain fashion trends continue to thrive by overconsuming the depletable resources.

Nonetheless, one fashion trend that can keep the fashion business running and also ensure that the planet remains unharmed is sustainability. Sustainable fashion fosters eco-friendly textiles and fashion products and addresses the environment, human, and animal welfare exploitation. It has garnered enough attention to be a cool fashion revolution.

Let us explore more factors that help brands become more sustainable and keep a check on nature and business:

Brands Becoming More Transparent and Honest with their Buyers

When brands realized that their production was depleting our planet, the fashion industry observed a sea of these fashion houses quickly shifting gears and adopting novel business models to support nature. For some, the transformation was so swift that they couldn't understand the sustainable measures they have embarked upon are causing damage to nature. After realizing the harmful impacts, they all have caused on the environment, many brands have come up and taken the onus of not thoroughly thinking about the measure they are initiating. Therefore, a leading name in the eyewear sector, Ace & Tate, recently came clean to its buyers and said that while trying to become more sustainable as part of its recent B Corp certification failed to offer basic sustainable products. Like Ace & Tate, much other fashion and luxury brands have overlooked their social impact and neglected to implement a code of conduct. These measures could have helped brands in protecting their workers in the supply chain. The main focus of brands should be on making good changes rather than changes that just look good. For attaining this target, brands should become radically transparent, take a hint from digitally-native retailers, such as Reformation and Everlane, who are open about the sustainable changes brought in the brand have their limitations and challenges.

Being radically transparent is the new way to battle all the wrongdoings that brands have undertaken in the name of sustainability. Some brands, such as Ganni, have highlighted in their tagline that honest not perfect, which means that they are sustainable and doing every bit in their capacity, but some shortcomings can't be overlooked. In fact, today's buyers prefer honest brands over bogus promises by fashion houses. According to it, 66 per cent of millennials and 79 per cent of Gen Z think brands are not honest enough about environmental sustainability. This rises to 69 and 84 per cent respectively when related to how factory workers are treated. These statistics indicate the significance of being radically transparent, and with each passing year, these notions are becoming not so radical. Buyers are expecting more discretion on brands' part, and the brands that aren't used to this type of open communication and honesty will find it challenging. Besides, they will have to pay off the consumer trust and suffocate in a lower-pressure environment. Though these measures may theoretically accelerate sustainable practices, but they will surely succumb brands to experiment and make inevitable mistakes.

Fashion Houses Adopting Global Sustainable Strategy

For a long time, the term "sustainability" has been doing rounds, and every fashion brand is working towards capitalizing on this trend. Being eco-friendly means more than adhering to the code of conduct established by the institutions, such as B Corp and others. They now have to think about the ethical means and practices they follow in their factories. The mantra brands should sell no shame in wearing an outfit that has already been worn. In other words, customers should know that wardrobes stacked with impulsive shopping are doing no good to the planet. They should be made aware of "conscious consumerism" and the impact it has on the environment. For instance, just by wearing already-purchased clothes for an extra nine months, you will reduce your carbon, energy, and waste footprint by as much as 20-30 per cent. Since everything is at our fingertips, people think that filling carts is a convenient way to shop. Production and consumption of sustainable clothing are rooted in being eco-friendly and for long term use. Let us take an example of Mango, a Spanish clothing brand that is all set to introduce a new sustainable brand Alter Made, an online platform in the selected European countries, as an independent addition to the company.

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