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Online Product Designer Offers Digital Solutions t

The pandemic had disrupted fast fashion and slowed it down to a standstill. Now the world gradually opens up with people back to their offices, travelling restrictions lift, and people are ready to socialize. People are ready to dress up again after they have lived a confined and simpler life during the pandemic. And with people realizing the negative impact of fast fashion on the environment and society, brands are compelled to think out of the box to offer them solutions that allow them to grapple with the rising problem of fast fashion. The product configurator software works on a similar model and provides customization solutions to the company so that they manufacture products as per customers' demands and requirements. It is a tool that comes with digital features enabling customers to design their apparel, footwear, headgear, bags, jewelry, and other products seamlessly. They can also preview their customized products using the tool's 3d technology and make final changes in the design before placing the order.

Online Product Designer Enables Fashion Houses to Leap in the Sustainable Race

According to the American Chemical Society, fashion production has doubled since the beginning of the century, and it will likely triple by 2050. The production of polyester, used for much cheap fast fashion and athleisure wear, has increased nine-fold in the last 50 years. Because clothing has gotten so cheap, it is easily discarded after being worn only a few times. One survey found that 20 per cent of clothing in the US is never worn; in the UK, it is 50 per cent. Online shopping, available day and night, has made impulse buying and returning items easier. This makes the fashion industry the biggest contributor to forest fires, rise in the sea level, unfair wages, labor exploitation, and overfilled landfills. Many of the fashion companies would be surprised to know that it takes over 4,000 litres of water to make a pair of jeans, and most of the water used is not even recycled. This figure indicates that fashion is costing one-fifth of all wastewater across the globe. Additionally, the fashion and luxury industry is responsible for 10 per cent of annual global carbon emissions, that's more than all international flights and maritime shipping combined.

According to McKinsey, average consumers are likely to buy 60 per cent more than they did in 2000. And it was reported that for a long time, 41 per cent of young women felt the need to wear something different whenever they left the house. In response, some companies send consumers a box of new clothes every month. The need for sustainable measures was going around the corners in the fashion industry for a long time, but some countable people raised their voices in support of these notions and measures. It is natural for us to succumb to social pressure to conform to attitudes widely accepted by society, often socially claiming that we support these causes even if our actions are not aligned with our claims. This is the primary reason why most people are aware that ethical initiatives are important for a better future; they don't easily deviate from their default behaviour, especially when it offers perks like affordability, style, and convenience. These are the areas where technology can help, and the recent rapid digitization of the supply chain can make all the difference.

Let us explore numerous solutions that will help fashion and luxury companies to become more sustainable.

Educate Consumers about Responsible Consumerism

With the holiday season approaching, many of your customers must have removed their last season's hot fashion products, but not many realize that its effect still lingers, from the energy used in its production to its continued presence in one of the nation's landfills. The total environmental impact of our outfit choices are a growing concern because buoyed by the rise of so-called fast fashion; we're consuming and discarding more clothes than ever before. Understandably, profit is at the core of any business, and fashion companies have to adhere to policies that help garner more profit. However, while earning higher profits, they often overlook the costs our nature has to pay. And in this process, consumers are equally responsible because unless they are educated or made aware of the impacts they have on the environment, it will go in vain no matter what brands do. Since consumers are the king, and if they don't comply with buying more sustainable products, brands will no longer buy them because they don't want to suffer any losses. However, this shouldn't be used as an excuse for brands to not adhere to the recent changes to make the planet a better place to live.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the US generated millions, about 75 pounds per person, of textile waste, most of which ended up in landfills. That's more than a 750 per cent increase since 1960. For reference, that's nearly ten times more than the increase in the country's population over the same period. The growth in clothing waste coincides with the domination of fast fashion companies, such as H&M and Zara, whose business models are based on selling low-priced items at high volumes. Zara's spokesperson releases 20,000 new designs every year, unveiling new lines during micro seasons beyond the traditional winter/fall and summer/spring lines. The strategy is designed to encourage customers to shop regularly for new looks. However, as these companies shift their bottom line to become more eco-friendly, customers still continue to buy products from them. The brands have initiated various measures and awards that also support the budding designers who are using novel sustainable measures to make this planet a better place. The fashion industry can also learn from the example of Audio Architect Apparel, a leading name in the fashion market especially known for sustainable products, which introduces new products that keep the environment, ecosystems, and local communities at its core.

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