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In the last decade, we have seen some giants leaps technology took and how it has completely disrupted the way we function and communicate with others. A lot has evolved from transportation to finance, and manufacturing and interior design aren’t lagging either. Veterans in the industry and industrial design enthusiasts have noticed a gradual increase in new materials and technologies being integrated into the design process. Technology has not only changed how we manufacture products, but what we manufacture them with. Our furniture design software is here for all those brands who are willing to make the most of technology and offer their buyers a chance to design their dream house as per their vision.

Furniture Configurator Aids Luxury Brands to Provide Interesting Products to Buyers

The online industry has increased by leaps and bounds, thanks to ever-evolving cloud space and artificial intelligence. When technology and product design unite, they give birth to some cool patterns that include chairs, tables, sofas, and that too all as per customers’ choice and comfortability. Nobody wants to step out to buy even the smallest thing too complicated furniture. Ecommerce, along with innovative technology, can help buyers shop from the comfort of their home, browse through various products, select the pattern of preference, and try to implement the same on their work.

Let us see how advanced technology has helped brands to revamp their product line:

The Changing Definition of Customization

The meaning of the term “custom” has evolved over the past years. Sometimes back, it meant modifying some patters or dimensions in the furniture, but this change has changed since the last decade. It meant to specify an alteration here or a finish there. Today, customization takes on a whole new definition as designers look to create unique and inspiring spaces and turn to custom furniture pieces to secure that one-of-a-kind space that truly speaks to its occupants. And with technology, such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and chatbots, ready to take the front seat, the brands have even less to worry about customization. Brands like Orangebox, a UK based furniture manufacturer, published a case study on this as part of their Smartworking research. Claiming that low battery anxiety is a real problem, the design team of this brand made sure to include power and data outlets in their soft seating ranges as well.

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