Abel Willium
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Nowadays, everyone is talking about cloud technology. According to a research report of Cisco, approx. Nine out of ten IT workloads will migrate to the cloud in upcoming years.

Meanwhile, many businesses keep chugging along with their decades-old legacy system like IBM iSeries. Organizations whose IT demands are not increasing with time can disagree with the belief that there’s no need to fix broken technologies. And on the other hand, large enterprises with ERP systems may also be hesitant to explore the opportunities in the cloud.

The primary challenge is that legacy technologies are not like a wine that improves with age. Ultimately, legacy technologies cross a cost limit where replacement seems easier and cost-efficient than maintenance.

As your organization evaluates the available options, keep these points in mind:

Replacing Hardware won’t Be Pocket Friendly

The size of your organization is directly proportional to the cost of data centre replacement. The capital expenditure of $5-$10 million can be difficult to justify when the same amount can upgrade customer services or drive additional sales.

Furthermore, you’ll pay for configuration, installation, support, network, and hardware services. And electricity will remain a significant expenditure. Also, your equipment will be on the verge of being outdated from the day you install them. Meanwhile, you may face difficulty in recruiting professionals for your data centre.

Such challenges highlight the importance of the cloud in an IBM AS400 iSeries enabled environment. On cloud setup, someone will be responsible for recruiting staff and data centre experts. Also, you’ll get updated equipment from your cloud service provider, and you’ll save valuable time.

You may End-up Buying More Computing Capacity than Need

The cost of computing power decreases with time. It means, when IBM iSeries enabled companies want to replace their existing servers, the new set comes with 5X computing capacity in comparison to the previous one.

It means, unknowingly, you end up paying for the resources that you won’t be using. Ultimately, this can’t be called an intelligent buy.

On the other hand, an IBM AS400 cloud service provider will charge only for the resources you use. You won’t pay for the services you didn’t use or the capacity you didn’t utilize.
And the flexibility of the cloud services ensures that you can quickly scale up the capacity as per business needs.


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