Abel Willium
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You already know that you need to change your current software service partner or vendor for benefits like a better ROI, faster time to market, doing more in less time and optimized TCO. Maybe you already have experience outsourcing or you are considering it for the first time. Whatever the situation, there are some common concerns, fears, and risks that can hold you back.

We absolutely understand that your fears are valid and are based on your past experiences. This is exactly where we come in to not just become your newly contracted software partner but become an extension of your team and your business. We address all your fears and concerns, help you overcome them, and move ahead only when you start trusting us.

Based on our 20+ years of dealing with multiple customers, we have summarized a list of top fears businesses have when it comes to switching software partners or outsourcing software development.

Also described herewith is our unique approach on how we work through each of them.

Four Common Concerns Every Prospect Has

Let’s begin by classifying these concerns type:

Price Based Concern:

Price is the most common concern as you may be worried about, mainly the financial risk associated with negligence, wrong estimations and going over budget due to poor requirement analysis of the exact services you need.

Customer Trust Concern:

People love to do business with trustworthy companies or someone they already know. Trust objection shows your concern regarding credibility of the service provider. The common objection we have heard – “I have never heard of your company.”

Time Related Concern:

Time-related objections are common, and we hear terms like “Send details in an email,” “I don’t have time,” and many more.

Comparing with Competitor/Current Software Partner:

Many a time, our potential customers compare our services with a competitor and come up saying – “Your competitor’s services/prices are better,”.

We are being brutally honest about the type of concerns our potential customers put across when communicating with us. However, we ensure that they realize the empathy in our efforts for their cause right from the first conversation – no matter the type of concern they raise.


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