Abel Willium
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This is an old and ongoing debate about which Framework should be used to develop software applications? However, the choice of a platform ultimately depends upon various factors. This blog will discuss the characteristics needed to be considered before choosing an asp.NET technology for your next project.

Developed by Microsoft, .NET is an umbrella term, and it consists of two Framework – .NET Core and .NET Framework. .NET Framework is the traditional version. Microsoft launches .NET Core to address the limitations of previous versions.

The struggle to choose between .NET Framework and .NET Core is real. And, before moving to that discussion, let’s understand the difference between these two.

.NET– An Overview

.NET is a software development platform developed by Microsoft to help .NET programmers formulate different applications for small, medium, and large enterprises. The .NET platform offers tools and libraries that allow .NET Developers to develop applications quickly and conveniently.

.NET supports two implementations for application development-

  • .NET Framework
  • .NET Core

Although both have similar components, still there are things that make one platform different from the other.

.NET Framework

Microsoft developed .NET Framework in the 1990s, and after one decade, .NET 1.0 was released. After this, Microsoft keeps releasing new versions by adding new features.

.NET Framework support websites and desktop apps only on Windows. And goal behind creating this Framework was to develop an easy-to-use OOP environment, and multiple languages can support it. But the biggest de-merit of the .NET Framework is – it is closed source. And, to stay alive in the competition, Microsoft introduced .NET Core as an open-source platform.

.NET Core

As described above, .NET Core is an open-source platform developed by Microsoft to support all types of OS. Moreover, it supports C#, Visual Basic, and F# languages on .NET Core can write applications and libraries.

.NET Core has been designed to support broad compliance to new platforms.


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