Abel Willium
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For many companies, the yearly maintenance or license renewals make them uneasy. Organizations using (Commercial off-the-shelf software) COTS to automate their business processes, secure networks, monitor IT infrastructure, etc., always write-off the extra expenses incurred in maintaining their technology assets. A write-off is more an act of submission than an act of abundance. Many enterprises using COTS have higher TCOs due to the cost of maintaining their applications. Such enterprises are relooking into their strategies. Among the proposed changes in a strategy, the overhaul is to use the services of custom software development companies to help build low-code applications with low TCO. The following are some of the reasons why some companies prefer custom software development over COTS.

COTS may make organizations pay for more than what is required

COTS could provide an extensive feature-set, most of which may not apply to an organization’s business requirements. Yet, an organization purchasing COTS is compelled to buy the application completely. Businesses end up paying for more than what is required. Over a while, the TCO of operating the COTS might override its benefits.

Organizations want a modular approach. That’s why they are working with custom software development companies who can help them build customized applications. Being modular applications, they are versatile, and there is no technology or vendor lock-in. Modules developed by a vendor can always be replaced with another module from another vendor.

Evolutionary pace

COTS may not grow at the same pace as market and technology trends. It may not include incremental changes with the same frequency as custom software applications. Enhancements to COTS are made based on many factors. Enhancements are not made to keep the application updated with the market trends. Instead, they are based on customer feedback and feature requests from probable customers.

In custom software applications built by vendors such as Integrative Systems, unlimited enhancements are possible. It is easier to work with custom software developers than large COTS vendors. The custom software development services provider can easily upgrade the application.




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