Abel Willium
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According to statistics by IBM, over 100,000 companies worldwide use IBMi for powering their mission-critical, robust, computing-heavy applications. Companies that run on iSeries fall into verticals right from banking to health sector, from manufacturing to distribution centers & retailers. Even Government sectors trust their data to the secure infrastructure of the AS400 system. If you ask our clients, 65% say they are running 85-100% of their workload and business applications on iSeries and the rest are planning to increase workloads on the platform. This simply reflects the enduring nature and the legacy of the IBMi platform & clearly explains why you should invest in it.

IBM AS400 iSeries is one of the most robust systems in the world. Out of all the application servers, IBM AS400 operating system has an incredible – uptime rate of 99.97%. That is why it is one of the most reliable and secure methods for every vertical.

Even after three decades with more than seven lakhs+ application systems, the as400 i series is installed in over 150 countries. The current AS400 programmers are not generally enthusiastic about replacing IBM AS400 / i-series with something else, which is yet to prove its worth. The importance of the IBM AS400 iSeries system has increased a few notches higher for enterprises, as it’s working well and able to avoid the necessity of yet-to-prove new technologies.

Newcomers need to know that the IBM AS400 iSeries platform is the best business tool for over 30 years. And the fully integrated database of IBM AS400 iSeries comes with full system logging via journals that cannot be accomplished by any other system.

Furthermore, IBM AS400 iSeries is fully compatible, and the upward compatibility of AS400 software protects your revenue by avoiding costly code migrations at the time of platform update. Many organizations that purchased IBM AS400 iSeries web services years ago continue to refer to it due to this seamless compatibility.

IBM continuously updates the platform and has big plans for the future of IBM AS400/iSeries software. Every 2 to 3 years, IBM release a new version of hardware and software that features enormous leaps forward in terms of processing power and functionality.

Organizations around the globe are running on AS400 / i-series software. AS400 i-series software forms the foundation of some of the most powerful servers and OS in the market today, and both, i.e., power systems and AS400 iSeries software, are alive and kicking.

AS400/iSeries software is continuously evolving, embracing modern techniques, becoming increasingly robust, and giving a competitive edge to the world’s top server systems.

Struggling to find experts for your AS400 iSeries applications?

Let us know how we can help YOU

Why IBM AS400 / iSeries Is Irreplaceable?

Making an entry into the market 30 years prior and still, IBM AS400 iSeries is regarded as the most reliable and secure server worldwide. Hence, IT organizations are reluctant to move away from their dear IBM AS400 i-series.

For various industries like – insurance, banking, and manufacturing, data is their lifeline, and businesses generally don’t switch the servers or operating systems on which they are working for a long time.

In the current scenario, when integration and development in IBM AS400 / i-series are becoming much more comfortable, there is no point in neglecting this legacy system. Also, moving to something entirely new always poses a risk of uncertainty regarding performance and robustness.

Even though the AS400 iSeries platform has heavy-hitting technology, people still have some misconceptions in their minds.

Here, let’s try to clear the misconceptions and give you the reasons to invest in this advanced technology.

AS400 Is Outdated:

The software was created in 1988, and since then, it has been renamed several times, and renaming has not helped in changing the mindset that it is a modern platform. But the fact is, AS400 iSeries software and AS400 services are critical parts of many top organizations’ computing infrastructure worldwide.

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