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In the year 2019, as per the Statista, the Google play store has 2 million & at the Apple Store has over 1.83 million apps. Now, if that is the competition, enterprises should do things differently to view their mobile applications.


Mobile application performance optimization can become an essential differentiating factor here as customer waiting is one of the biggest business sins in today's rapidly emerging economy.


Businesses today are investing a lot in application design and features, but usually, forget work and research on mobile app performance optimization.


If the user gets a slow and lagged app, they will not sign to see what's next.


Therefore, technology leads should prioritize improving the performance of their app as the faster the app, the better it will be for the business.


Even Facebook knows that optimizing the performance of mobile applications is the key to success. They are working on a modified version of the "Messenger" app for iOS, which will be less than 30 MB in size.


With a multitude of embedded services on Messenger, it was slower to navigate than competitors such as "Signal" and "iMessage."


On Facebook, a new version of the application is expected to focus on team speed in 2 seconds; that is, a very profitable step towards improving mobile application performance.


Advantages one reaps with mobile app performance optimization:


Performances are related to how rapidly the app loads its content and gives the output on the request made by the end-users. Naturally, it means performance needs to be considering seriously.


Here are some benefits you need to keep an eye on so that the motivation to work on performance optimization of the app is never far away.


1) Improved optimization reduces slow rendering:


User interface "rendering" means of extracting a frame from the app's view file and showcasing it on the screen. The speed with which these frames are rendered defines the performance of the actual mobile app.


The considerable ideal speed of rendering is equal to 16ms for 60 frames in second.


In the case, the rendering process is reduced, resulting in slower working, skipping (dropping) frames, and stutter (junk) in the app that can ultimately reduce or screw the user experience.


By providing performance optimization tools for mobile apps such as profile GPU render or hierarchical viewer, slow rendering can be easily dealt with.


Thus customization is appropriate for business owners to implement as it will help to offer:

1.  A significant boost to application performance
2.  Improve SEO performance
3.  Increase customer satisfaction
4.  Better customer retention


2) A considerable push time to load content

The speed at which the app first loads determines whether the user will continue to use it. To be precise, "launching time" defines the user's first impression, and if that goes wrong, everything else is out of place.


According to a Forbes study, the business app can make a lasting first impression in 7 seconds. So, if your business-oriented app starts testing the patience of users, then you are sending them directly to your competitors.


Not a good sign at all!


Furthermore, as per the research made by ThinkWithGoogle, 70% of users are likely to leave the app due to high loading time.


Technological inventions and the power of AI are further making things complicated. In the rush and haste to build the app, businesses have focused on compromising the speed of the app.


This is where time can be saved by optimization and the day by working on application launching time and content load time. The idea is to create a loading time to mimic the Lightning Bolt. The positive effect of doing this will help:


1. Some less and better reviews
2. Better rate of getting and maintaining users
3. Better overall user engagement


3) Leading path to excellent user experience


According to a Forrester report, app users usually spend most of their time on five apps. Frankly, no business will be part of those five apps. Where everyone tries to make a difference, not everyone succeeds.


1. The main culprit is the poor performance of the mobile app, prompting the user to experience the previous phase of the app.
2. The thing is that for an app to perform optimally for excellent user experience, three things require space, which are:
3. The app should respond well to its users - whenever asked, do so in the same manner
4. The speed at which the app works - the app has a full interface and minimally designed interface.
5. The results given by the app must be relevant - The results given by the app must be relevant - is the app working as it is promised to do so, i.e., is it fulfilling the requirement for which it is designed?


Users must stay - are users receiving the price you pay?

Implementing a mobile application performance optimization strategy gets this job done correctly, ensuring a great user experience. This helps spark end-to-end performance leading to a satisfied user base on the whole. In simple words, it helps in optimization:


  • Increased loyalty and user retention
  • Increased satisfaction at each touch point.


4) One step towards the "customer-first" approach

Customers are the king to a business, and it is only recently that any new money-making effort has realized the secret to success, that is, satisfying the target audience.


It is the business's responsibility to take the needs of its customers first before they can focus their attention. And, by aiming at the performance of the mobile app, they are meeting the time and demands.


The simple fact is:


If technology has allowed customers to stay connected 24/7, the business should ensure that the app performs better at all levels.


Do not work hard to attract users; work hard to make your experience worthful, which is only possible when one can initiate mobile app performance optimization.


The result of optimizing the user experience at each level will be:


1.      A strong and long-lasting relationship with customers
2.      Achieving Big Goals - Better Sales


5) Boost your brand image

The faster a mobile app is, the better it is for people and the people who design it.


Where users enjoy comfort with an app, which gets reflected in the best and smooth user experience, business owners gain consumer attraction and benefits in the form of brand image and increased revenue.


According to one study, 21% of users abandon an app after one use. This means that a user with a poor "one-time" experience is more likely to uninstall the application.


This can be seen in the traditional store where a busy sales representative, who fails to pay attention to the customer, loses the opportunity to generate sales.


So, why should you risk the reputation of businesses? Because even a one-second delay in the response can reduce the conversion.


That is why; this mobile application should become a ritual for implementing performance optimization, which, in turn, helps:


  1. Build high goodwill and brand image
  2. Gain a competitive edge in the market
  3. Increase in overall sales and revenue.


Summing up:

Creating a mobile app for your business is indeed extremely important in today's tech-driven age, but what makes a difference to a losing mobile app can only be measured in terms of its performance. If an app's sign-up page responds too slowly in submitting user-data, then the entire effort to launch the application is simply a waste.


Thus, the path to success is incomplete despite the performance optimization of mobile applications. This would be the best run of an enterprise to carve a sustainable application experience into the hearts of its users. However, if you are inexperienced about achieving that level of experience, it is recommended to reach out to an experienced mobile app development company. Ultimately, maximizing app downloads and retention of the user should never be missed.


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