
Progressive web applications, however, have been around for a long time, where they have gained immense popularity in these years because of their capability of providing a more immersive experience to mobile users, similar to native applications for e-commerce website development. The framework has many advantages such as being adaptable on different platforms, helping bring devices and hardware, hence adding mobile rankings to search engines. The initial step in progressive web application development is to strategically decide about the platform that needs to use from the various options available.

(What is Progressive Web Apps (PWA)?

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) is nothing but a mix of the latest technologies installed, where it provides a reliable, accessible, engaging experience, so it adds user experience as a core.)

Nevertheless, progressive web applications enable the user to provide a more luxurious user experience than rival native apps with the need for different development teams, so the specific element of progressive web application development does not explain the loss of connectivity like an error. Therefore, it is getting immense popularity due to it's easy to use features and a seamless development process.

Let's see those most popular PWA frameworks for eCommerce provide for developing robust progressive web apps:

Angular JS:

Google firstly launched angular in 2009, where it is one of the most popular progressive web app frameworks, which uses the JavaScript ecosystem to create responsive and robust and reliable sensitive applications. Well, the launch of version 5 also has a new built-in support service worker, which is making this framework easier for developers, as long as they have a high level of expertise to build a progressive web app. The JS version is required to use Angular. The release of version 6 comes with two additional commands that help simplify the downloading process as well as install a web app on the device.


Facebook supports React, where it is also known between its extensive JavaScript library and the PWA framework for a large community. However, Pure JavaScript is the foundation for React, where it uses JSX to employ rendering functions to tie in with HTML structures so that it can help project scale with the package, and developers can use headers. The tool requires a PWA framework to make the response easier.


It would be ideal to say that Vue.js is one of the leading and robust frameworks as it has developed its community with the growth of its popularity. So usability, adaptability, and overall results help change the significant choice for every progressive web app developer as users are empowered to differentiate with a virtual DOM compiler via Vue.js, even after its small size. It overruns the contenders with bulky frameworks. Furthermore, due to the compact and complex structure, minimal time is also spent to find errors in blocks, so Vue.js has turned into a useful framework for building complete single-page applications. As such, it gives the ability to develop a flexible component. Therefore, these components are ready to be used in other projects and in addition to all its features, so it embroiders the user with a streamlined implementation to run unilateral flows smoothly while working with different components.


The development and existence of the Ionic framework have led to hybrid mobile applications as well as AngularJS web apps, where Ionic is grouped with user interface components built into HTML5 and CSS to provide comprehensive cellular interactions. In the broader sense, if we see that it allows for the same UI components as the native app for Android iOS and is the best and active open source SDK to use as an iconic framework for other platforms. Thus it makes custom website development easier without any discrepancies, hence making it more productive with a large user community such as open-source framework, built-in tools, and yield features.


Ember.js a JavaScript framework that is open source and makes the developers develop scalable, robust, and easy to use single web page applications. Nevertheless, it is mainly used for the creation of a simple web application, which includes the framework of many types of applications for the production of JavaScript applications as the solution usually involves flow and data management. Therefore, Ember.js has gained more focus among developers, as it enables them to involve in best practices, where it is distinguished with the Ember.js Inspector tool, which helps debug Ember applications. In addition, as it is fully dependent on conventions on configuration, it makes the development of mobile app an easy task, as well as focusing more on the dedicated functionality of the app.

So, in the end, the decision to choose the framework for the progressive web apps entirely based on the expertise and skills developers due to the fact that the high frequency of the updates these frameworks get in every few months. At Panacea Infotech, a leading mobile app development company, we have a team of robust developers who are highly experienced in developing a robust progressive mobile app along with its maintenance. Email us at, and our professionals will assist you in generating your enterprise needs for efficient app development.

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