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The motive of search engines is to satisfy the user’s search intent. Whenever you type a query, you expect the answer to be written on the top result. Ever thought, what is the reason behind? It's not just because you searched for it but also because of search intent, which means that the web crawlers are trying to understand/guess what exactly you want. Accordingly, it provides you the desired information.  

Every day, billions of people rely on search engines to get the answer to their queries. Hence, to ensure that your brand is marketing success, it is essential to improve your online presence and credibility. Make sure that your company is found on the top whenever your target audience searches for the information relevant to your product/service.  

Just having a website will not be sufficient. You need to create a robust online presence to attract relevant leads to your website. Hence, to get the desired results, you must implement the right SEO strategies.   

Now before diving deep into the topic, let’s first understand what search intent is.  

What is the search intent?  

Search intent or audience intent is the term used to describe the reason for an online search. The search engines try to understand or guess the search's intent and accordingly deliver the result.  

To make sure that your website drives more leads, you first need to understand the psychology behind a search made and then provide the solution. This is so because the ultimate goal of Google Search is to provide immediate answers to the queries made.  


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